Nobody Transferring off Faerlina. Next Option, timely manner please

Okay now that you realise nobody wants to transfer to a dead server or a server that will almost certainly be sub par on any scene lets discuss the next option.

Can we not wait 2 more weeks down the road with ques being 8k to finally come up with another option? It’s 2019 let’s put together something in a timely manner please.

I don’t blame a single person for not wanting to leave a bustling server like fae to move onto a “low” pop server like heartseeker. Did you honestly expect people to leave a booming economy with a crazy good pvp scene???

Not that you needed to see this but now that you have on to a more “Realistic” fix for the server having a 4 hour que at peak times every single night since launch.

Allow people to chose where they move their character to. All you have to do is Lock the full servers from realm transfers. Just lock them as they become full.


Sooooo…what would the next option be?


You were warned, should have realized Faerlina is high queue because of famous streamers on that server, and if I can wait in queue so can you.


The options is wait in queues like people should



I would say throw down a little resource and raise the server cap again.

OR allow me to pick the server that " I want to transfer to"…

Don’t force me to move to a crappy server like heartseeker, I have friends on Thunderfury which is a fairly new server that I would gladly move to.

Don’t expect people to move to some dead server like wth is that?


Expect queues on high pop realms lmao



They don’t have any ideas OP. They think they can force people to abandon their toons or friends by downplaying the ques or shoving the transfers in our face.

To them, it just extends your sub.


Force transfers, randomly start transfering people at a given date, post an ultimatum on the forums and watch how amazingly people are willing to cooperate.

Masses need some kind of violence and pressure to come to their senses since asking them politely won’t work, they act just like animals.


Well mines canceled as of now.

Maybe i’ll come back when I can get off work and login? Probably as classic is okay. I might wait out Burning crusade that is when wow was really good.

Get a load of this guy!^

Honestly classic will be at it’s best in a year or so after they start rolling out the patches.


Lol no. You grossly overestimating how willingly people would just say okay i’ll move cause you’re forcing me lol

That would literally kill the game. I tired to transfer but they wouldn’t allow me to pick my server which cost them a sub. I will not be told that I can only xfer to a dead crappy server from a full one. Duces


This, all day long 100% this, no resources spent on infrastructure or technology. Just a little OT and some elbow grease to keep everyone satisfied and those subs rolling in.

1 time transfer for free or offer paid transfers so people can choose for themselves.

It is literally the best solution to balance out the options, lock the full ones and fire it up.

Oh daily updates on server population and faction balance would be nice too so people can make a choice that suits them.

Personally id head for the losing side of the most unbalanced pvp server there is and have a blast doing it. No one ganks a hybrid feral/resto druid and if they tried they would be in for the longest hour of their lives.


This. The only way to fix ques on Faerlina is to increase the population cap.

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I like the way you think.

But soda is probably the best druid in classic atm and he has been ganked, well cause druid just isnt that great.

I mean its good in the open world but is gankable.

Obviously people who went on full servers in the first place and now complain about queues don’t get why Blizz won’t allow this but instead “guides” them to low pop servers.
If left to those players, with free choice, they would just move to the next higher pop server.


I am not stupid, quite the opposite actually. I am a highly educated individual which is why I am not taking the “free” server transfer to the server of blizzards choice. Heartseeker is NOT going to fill up, as a brand new server that was locked day 1 and only accepting transfers from Faerlina. It will continue to stay a low to medium server and eventually just die off.

This is not an acceptable or even optimal solution to fixing Faerlina’s que times. It does not take a intelligent individual to figure this out.

They’re going to have to raise the cap or ALLOW people to choose their server, period.

This is bordering on parody. You realize it’s only “low pop” because you guys aren’t transferring. There are 8k people in the queue, plus whoever is in the queue for the other server. If half the queue left, it would instantly be a high pop server. You honestly don’t get to complain anymore if you stay on the server with massive queues because of some unfounded fear about the servers dying. Blizzard handled it perfectly to make sure both servers ended up high pop but you guys are sabotaging it, and I do mean people like you specifically, by convincing everyone that the server will be dead no matter what they do.

Free server transfers happened in Vanilla and you know what happened? Half the servers left because they understood basic math we ended up with two massive servers. This will never be as good as vanilla because the people on here now don’t care about the game. They only care about whining and causing a scene. Stop grandstanding.


no this is bad

guy from farelina wants to transfer to herod because his friends are there? now others from herod have to suffer due to people wanting to move to other full realms

then no one is gonna want to play on the dead servers. Blizzard gave you a choice to be on a lower populated realm for free, whether you decide to move or not is up to you, but don’t be crying when you had an opportunity to transfer but you refuse to pick it because it didn’t suit your needs


I dunno. Options have been given.

People can wait in queue and keep complaining. People could of swapped servers early. People can still swap servers. People can take the free xfer. If half the people from the 2 servers queue transferred that would be roughly 10k pop. Yes all of the friends and guild mates could transfer so they can’t really use the excuse your guild/friends are there because they can go too.

It’s only been a little over 24hrs. Since the free transfers started towards Heartseeker. More people are moving over. People not from those servers can start playing there.

Need to give it slightly more time.


People chose popular realms because it will be a hotbed of activity. Forcing them to dead servers was a dumb idea that is completely disconnected from WHY the players chose certain realms. It’s no mystery why players aren’t just abandoning a known, along with their friends/guild, for an unknown.