That’s the original game manual as was packaged in with the game when you bought it back in 2005-2006. It also includes this interesting bit of info that never made it into the game
If you accumulate enough dishonor through your criminal actions, you will be branded an outlaw. As a consequence, you’ll suffer experience penalties, lose access to your own faction cities, and become so hated by even your own kind that every faction NPC will attack you on sight.
This shows their laziness. If they were to go for a complete nochanges, then they would bring back the old website and forums, breaking their layout conventions that apply to ALL blizzard games.
The x64-based versions of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and of Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition are optimized to run native 64-bit programs. Additionally, the x64-based versions of Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition use the WOW64 subsystem to run 32-bit programs.
And I might be wrong on running 2000, it might have been 2003. . I have slept since then
Either way. . Why are we talking about this?
You are correct. . No one is running Windows 98 or should not even be running Windows 7 (puts on fire resist)
I still want a good Linux client. . I mean. . come on!! You got it for Mac!!