Nobody Thinks Maldraxxus is Disneyfied

There’s this thing now that whenever WoW tries to be wholesome, people say it’s “disneyfied”.

Yet the most wholesome place in the whole of WoW, Maldraxxus, doesn’t get that.

Maldraxxus is wholesome as HECK.

There’s an achievement for petting all the cats. There’s a world quest about playing with Draka’s dog. There’s slimes wearing party hats. There’s a guy called Captain John Shin who has a dog called “Baby Bear”. There’s a world quest about taming a Flayedwing with headpats and positive reinforcement. You can hug Marileth and he hugs you back. Etc.

So why do people not claim “Maldraxxus is disney”?

Because the whole zone is covered in a skin-deep layer of edge. Everything looks like a mixture of Heavy Metal and Wrestlemania.

So that’s the secret, Blizzard. Make things LOOK edgy, then make them wholesome on the inside :smiley:


Personally, I’ll take green fields over wastelands of corpses any day.


They frequently do the opposite as well, which honestly is what DF is built on. But folks who use this term “disneyfication” or any of its versions on these forums aren’t using it because of what it actually refers to … folks just go “look, something which has colours that aren’t shades of black and grey - must be a secret cabal of Disney+ members!”

So… yah’, that’s be the reason. It is not used as a good faith phrase on these forums. Sadly. Academic terminology is fun, and it could be fun to discuss things in good faith on that level, but then again folks don’t even know what the phrase means, so… yah.


Even though they have happy fun dance parties?

Yes! Undead are wholesome. Embrace your unlife!


Maybe it used to, but these days it means something different.
I’m not going to say what they mean, as I am not familiar with what is being said about WoW going disney.

To me it looks like the Burning Legion all went to hell and started tearing up the place there too. lol.
Green green and more green. good god, my eyes are burning with green. make it go away. lol

ill take disney over a zone with ingrown hairs

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It’s not a complex community. They lean into their catchphrases and buzzwords.


I mean you need some variety, dragonflight zones are way too bland. Say what you want about shadowlands, each zone oozed personality.



Going to be honest I still have no idea what that word means I’ve just kinda assumed it’s some sorta dog whistle like Disney isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.


Yeah, people who use the term “disneyfication” probably learned it from Troth Sential or 8 Chan or what ever right wing cesspool. Then apply it to anything with bright colors or female characters.

“Oh it has bright colors and a major female character? Disneyfication!”


And make sure there are huge half-naked muscle women everywhere, that’s the most important part. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


I mean if anything Maldraxxus makes it sound like Blizzard is trying to romanticize war.

But I say that as a Kyrian; and as long as I don’t see any sludge monsters on my turf it’s been a good day in Bastion.

“Come Bender, you’ll enjoy being dead!” -a “Futurama” meme i can’t post

I don’t mind cheezy/corny content, when it’s appropriate. Same is said when it comes to dark/mature themed things as well.

But I do wish Blizzard would tone down the pixie dust, if you will, just a teeny bit.

Maldraxx was the field of death. For a lot of Shadowlands, prot war was comically OP in PVP. I spent approximately half of SL doing nothing but camping the arena in war mode harassing Alliance trying to do their dailies. I could have a blob of 15 Alliance chasing me back and forth across the arena. Same guys death running me for an hour, it was comedy gold. Was probably the most bullyable PVP area and balance they ever had.

Coraline, nitemare before Christmas, the corpse bride.

Yeah I think it could still be Disnefied. You get a zombie battle friend too.