Nobody is playing Evoker. I think it's because Dracthyr and restricted transmogs

I want to like DEvoker, but I don’t like the playstyle around Dragon Rage.


I see evokers all the time. It seems like there’s more out there now that there’s a legendary


They’re all over pvp. Those fire walls they drop are annoying af


dracthyr are uggy, that’s why no one plays evoker.


It sure is. I see tons of them and I am one. Well, three, actually. Maybe four. I may have a problem. >.>

Only if it’s an option for every slot.

That won’t make me play one more or less, but sure.

Nope. We’re dragons, not Belfs or Humans.

We have 4 body sizes.

No. I don’t need a freakin’ dragon taking up my screen. We’re not dragons, we’re experiments gone wrong.

There’s really only one thing I want to make this good for me:

Give me dragonriding as a Dracthyr like all of the other Dracthyr in this game.


there are more evokers i see in pugs than mages and warlocks. Combined.

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That announcement we get about the dracthyr legendary in every zone of the game is really common.


Was just about to post this exact thing.

While I don’t own DF yet, I’ve had zero interest in the race because of the aesthetics. They look like off-brand Dragonborn being sold at walmart.


Prolly a hot take but im fine with them not appealing to the masses like DK/DHs did.


Any of the below will be fine for me.

Unbind visage and dracthyr transmogs.

Class sets should unlock a new armour set via wardrobe for dracthyr form. (It’s a joke that we can’t see our own class set in our true form)

Chests/Legs/Shoulders/Belt Tmog options in dracthyr form, leave out boots/bracer/gloves/back.

Perma visage in combat.


This is how I always picture us Dracthyr acting compared to those who don’t play them. LOL


Give 'em transmog in dracthyr form, and give females boobs. Problem solved.


Are you comparing that to 7.1 demon hunter stats? Or 5.1 monk stats?

The class has been around for significantly less time than even the next newest class with demon hunter.

On top of that its not a class that was incredibly hyped up like demon hunters or dks, and it is locked to one race. So its kinda inevitable that they would be under represented, especially since they arent wildly OP like DH and DK were at launch.

Honestly I dont think its a problem, someone has to be the least played class so who cares as long as im having fun?

As for your solutions:

Though i would love this, if you really look at it, especially with helms and footware, it just doesnt work. They would have to redesign literally every chain mail helm in the game. Also this is an issue with the race more than class, though theynare linked so :dracthyr_shrug: i guess my point is that will be a problem for dracthyr going forward, not evoker.

Part 1 of this: yes, more races for visage would be cool. Id love to be draenei in mine. But visage combat doesnt work for most of the animations they have. And if worgen have to go worgen mode to fight, then so whould dracthyr. Also, again, dracthry problem.

Im in the minority who thinks thats not really needed. More options arent bad though, also race not class problem.

We arent dragons. We are supersoldiers designed by dragons. A dragon form wouldnt make sense based on established lore.

To summarize: everything you pointed out is a dracthyr problem, not exactly an evoker problem despite being locked to that race. Im not against more customization though.

Edit: i have been maining evoker this xpac, felsavior is just my forum alt. Also im using the royal we, not speaking for anyone but myself.

Well, if they are gonna add boobs to the dracthyr forms then they might as well add them to all the female dragons in game.

Alexstrasza will need a model update. Lol


Yes, please.


A triumphant roar echoes atop the Seat of the Aspects as Nasz’uro, the Unbound Legacy is formed.


raises hand i play mine.

Na I’m an experiment gone wrong. I wish there was decay options. Have an eyeball missing or something.


Counterpoint: this is because they are the new class, and most people stuck to an existing main.