Nobody is playing Evoker. I think it's because Dracthyr and restricted transmogs

So, I’d noticed that when I was doing a few LFR’s before my sub lapsed, I’ve actually not seen a single Evoker, other than the one I ran in an LFR.

Purely anecdotal, of course. But it did prompt me to start digging. This “Data for Azeroth” site seems pretty interesting, but in particular is this:

It really just confirmed my belief they would be the least played class, but even I’m shocked how rare they are.

It seems pretty clear that this is a problem. But similarly, I think what the problem is, is also pretty clear.

Just as we saw when the expansion was first announced, people like the IDEA of a “playable dragon”, but the Dracthyr weren’t what we were looking for. And clearly, they still aren’t, despite people being generally positive on how they actually play.

Clearly, players just don’t like how they look.

I see four different avenues to address this. In no particular order:

  1. Give them full transmog

This seems the most obvious fix. Obviously, that’s still an enormous amount of work to invest, however it’s a standard held by literally every other race in the game.

  1. Give them more races for their Visage form, Visage in combat

This one would be relatively easier to implement, I think. There’s zero reason for Dracthyr to be locked into a BE male or Human female form. Similarly, people might be less disappointed with the Dracthyr form, if they could maintain their chosen Visage during combat (save for temporarily shifting for certain attacks).

  1. A bulky, “Male/Body 2” option

I definitely think this would be lower on the list of potential impact, but it’s certainly one that would be well received. Even if it’s not expressly labeled as “male”, it’s pretty obvious the kind of body-types that Warcraft is known for. People really dig Drakonids, or even something like the Stoneborn General from Shadowlands.

  1. Proper “Dragon form” to choose from

This is honestly the option I personally had been hoping for from the beginning. If Evokers are meant to be “playable dragons”, then why not go all-in on that concept? I’d LOVE to be able to shift into a smaller, scaled-down version of your Dragonriding mounts, and by all appearances, they SEEM to have all kinds of animations that would suit an in-combat form for the Evoker.

Any of these avenues would be great, and if more than one could be implemented, that would be even better. Although I’d personally be a bit bummed to see the focus put squarely on your Visage form (since I’d be concerned it would prevent them for fully embracing the “dragon” aspect, like a melee/tank in the future), but that’s just me.

At the end of the day, it’s pretty clear that there is an issue, and it’s disconcerting it has been left unaddressed for so long. With so much care going into making some pretty dope transmogs this expansion, not to mention Evokers getting a cool new Legendary and apparently a new Spec, it would be nice to see them get some visual options to really round them out.

I still believe that concept of a “playable dragon” is still super freaking awesome. I just wish my Evoker felt like it truly captured that same fantasy.


I’m pretty sure we’d see more Dracthyr players if they could be more than the Evoker class, which I’m pretty sure will be coming soon™


You need a sub to even post

Something’s not quite right


I swear i see them everywhere.
Theyre always running around valdrakken and it seems whenever i queue for a dungeon, theyre the healer.


Ah, you’re right! My sub lapses in a few days. That was worded strangely, my bad!

The Greybeards calling out that the new legendary has been made every five minutes tells me otherwise.

Having several Evokers request to join my M+ keys every time I list them also tells me otherwise.

My friend has like, 10 Evokers it seems. One for every server on our joined servers.


I can’t say about the Dragon Isles, as I haven’t touched any of that content, but I have only seen a handful across servers/factions that I do play on, in SW/Org. I think there’s lots of Evoker/Dracthyr alts, but fewer mains. The lack of class variety likely having more to do with it than the lack of transmogs, at least in my opinion.


They are restricted to Mail.

So, they’re going to always look ugly in their Visage form.


I like my evoker, but definitely don’t play it as a main for three reasons:

-forced lizard form, can’t be human in combat
-limited “armour” appearance on lizard, no mog
-my lizard is body type 2 in visage form but has a voice far too body type 1 that really annoys me in combat. I’d like it way more if lizard had the same type of voice as visage


There has to be some people playing evoker with all the lego spam I keep seeing.


my main is an evoker and i see many many many evokers so idk what you are on about .


I thinks it’s because they look stupid and we should have got Drakonid looking Evokers.


Their heal spec is fun I’ll give it that.

they all look completely androgynous if not slightly feminine. pass


but youre wrong


i made mine look cute idk what ppl are complaing about honestly

and? mail has some good tmogs

nah they can def look feminine

Mail has the worst mogs out of the 4 armor types. Anyone that plays a mail class would know this.


I know that this is obvious, but I feel it needs to be stated anyway- They didn’t exist before this expansion.

That means the only people playing Evokers are people who rolled a new character for this expansion.

This game has been around for a long time and not everyone rolls a new character every expansion. Some people are quite attached to their characters. I’ve played the same character since Vanilla.

For the rush of people who rolled Evoker because it was “new and shiny”, they already had a full season to play it and the novelty value is wearing off.


i do play a mail class ive played a bm hunter for yrs . I managed to get all the good mail tmogs . So ofc im happy that evoker is mail . I can share my cool tmogs with my evoker .

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