Nobody is crying about PvP

Is 10v1 “worthy”? No. Is it legal on PVP realms? Yes.

That same 10 group will fight a 10 or a 20 or a 30 if they can find them. If they see a 1, they might kill the 1 or might ignore it. That is up to the players in the group. Don’t criticize groups of 10. I think a player who solos on a PVP realm is crazy.

Blizzard never promised you an “only worthy PVP” realm. I think it was obvious to everyone that isn’t what WoW PVP realms are.

but they have BGs which solve most of those issues, and they can flip the switch at any time.

What switch?

Imagine thinking faction balance will solve this and make things even.

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The problem is they are going off their feelings and anecdotal evidence.
There’s no verification for population or faction balance.
Unless blizz starts releasing numbers, no one really knows anything.

Not sure what is so difficult for people to understand.

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Lets discuss how there never was faction balance on pvp servers. There was nothing regulating population in vanilla either and most all pvp servers were either horde or alliance heavy.

This is nothing new…at all.

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On my realm. It’s common enough to see BOTH flight masters dead at thorium point.

But I can see how a person who doesn’t like PvP, on a PvP realm, could ignore the fact that it’s happening to both sides. Instead, claiming to be a victim of imbalanced populations.

Both factions get camped on the way to BRM. Both factions take turns steamrolling EPL. When I get crushed by a 10 alli vs little me, I don’t blame faction imbalance. I don’t blame anything for that matter. I like trying to escape a squad of corpse campers.

Keep your spurs and carrot on.

Imagine thinking anyone thinks balance will ‘solve’ things in the sense that ganking and 3v1s will magically disappear. People are asking for balance because it leads to greater chance of ‘fair’ fighting, and far less chance of being camped/zerged.

But I understand simple math can be hard for some people…

Yes it is cause the underdog faction has no chance to fight back. They bring 10 guys? The other will bring 30. They bring 40? The other willl bring 100. Thats the issue.

Im on a 52/48 server and sometimes I corpse run to BRD and sometimes horde do it, because both faction can fight back. I can farm herbs, aoe grind in the world without getting ganked 24/7. Sometimes I get killed by a horde squad, and sometimes I see alliance squads patrolling around. Thats the real wpvp experience and its nice. Being overrun because of a 70-30 balance is not fun because you just cant fight back


I don’t think people are complaining about PvP. It’s more like they’re complaining about PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPvPPP.


If servers were balanced you would see raid vs raid battles. It would be epic
Now it’s not

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Nobody cries when their family members die. It’s when they don’t come back because they’re dead that causes the problems.

It’s math/logic. People are terrible at both, especially if admitting something makes them question their worth/rank/rating.

As a level-54 senior sergeant who doesn’t no life, I 100% admit griefing is lucrative. The fights are rarely displays of pure skill. Timesink + ganking/camping = leet pwnzer rank that I totally earned! Imbalance nothin’! PVP HAPPEN PVP REEELM.

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Lol, wPvP was never intended to be fair fights of 5v5 or something. And, stop acting like a victim as if Alliance dont also do the same things when presented with the opportunity, ally dont kill at FP’s? Ally dont kill people on the way to DM? Ally dont gank people leveling ? Yeah, thats what I thought. Your issue is clearly that you shouldnt have rolled on a PvP server if this is your mindset. You act like even if our server was perfectly balanced 50/50 that every wPVP fight would magically be fair…there would still be tons of “unfair” fights bud.

Also, what are you even crying about when a lot of the time when there are “fair” or pretty even numbered fights, the alliance are still getting wiped in 5v5 or 6v6 battles? And you know what you guys do after that? You immediately call in 3-5 more ally to make up for the gap in skill so a 5v5 or 6v6 turns into a 10v6 and that is always going to end badly for you in a popular zone since Horde on our server has more 60s. So ally create some of these situations for themselves, dont wanna hear this cry baby garbage. When the ally constantly roll 20-30 man raids to UC or somewhere else, eventually the same number or more horde will be called and whose fault is that? You guys for ALWAYS rolling around in raid groups for PvP. Most Horde roll around in 3-10 man groups at most until we need to get a raid group together because the Ally decided to make up for their gap in skill in PvP by calling in a freakin 30 man raid group. And then you guys port out and go cry on the forums after you get cleared 20 minutes later.

Doesnt really matter anyway BGs will be out soon and you guys will have something new to cry about. Wont be any excuses left when you guys are only winning like 30% of your BGs, which are the fair fights youre asking for. What happens then? There are just more people on Horde who have PvPed for a while and gotten glad or what have you in other expansions, Orc+Undead racials, and even Tauren stun all appeal more to the people who really want to PvP in Classic so there will always be an inherent imbalance whether it be numbers, or a skill gap, or both.

The same reason the people complaining about said imbalance can’t accept it was part of the risks choosing a PVP server. It’s part of what happens on one, doesn’t matter this that or the other. They choose their fate, now they mad.

It isn’t hard to understand at all. Unfortunately some people just like trolling or are otherwise thickheaded. Also, while I’m all for some lighthearted faction rivalry (Go Horde!), some people are turning this into a single-faction issue (Horde being dominant, and abusing their power) rather than a general problem with imbalance (Heartseeker Horde can attest to this).

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Here’s a good example…

P.S. Why is there a hyperlink option but I cannot post links?!

Exactly, I hve literally been camped out of the Cove in Tanaris for 3 days straight every time I show up there are 5-7 horde. I could wait for them to complete there quests then leave and 5 more fresh ones show up. detrimental for someone who only has couple hours to play a day, and I dont want to be forced to dungeon grind to level because that is literally the most un-fun thing I can think of when it comes to leveling.


Of course not, and nobody is complaining about that. The relevant issue is how often you’re in the advantage, and how often you are in the disadvantage.

If you are usually disadvantaged, then your perception of how much fun these unequal matchups are will very likely change.

Yes, some of this is in the hands of the individual player, in terms of where you go, and how often you’re grouped.

But that doesn’t change the fact that it is easier to be in the advantage when in the faction with more people. When battles escalate – which is an organic and fun part of World PvP – it is less fun when you know that invariably Horde will bring more bodies to the fight, and ultimately control the area. This is the state of BRM on many servers.

This should all be plain and obvious to anyone who is willing to evaluate things honestly. Which, of course, is not that many people.


That’s exactly right. Escalations always end badly for Alliance since there are more Horde. Do you not see how that is less fun for Alliance, to know that when push comes to shove, they will invariably lose?

Probably not, because you’re on the advantaged side.

Essentially, your argument is that one side is better and more numerous, so, either the other side should reroll, or just accept that they will usually lose.

That is not a formula for a fun situation.

I’m not asking for anything to be changed. It’s Classic. But this lack of awareness of the situation from many Horde players is childish.

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