I’d laugh really hard and give Blizzard points if they made Lightforged Warlocks do no damage (or negative damage) because their Naaru blessing was taken away from them, for choosing to be Warlocks.
Deforged Draenei is more like it, lmao.
I’d laugh really hard and give Blizzard points if they made Lightforged Warlocks do no damage (or negative damage) because their Naaru blessing was taken away from them, for choosing to be Warlocks.
Deforged Draenei is more like it, lmao.
Oh I do cause what I mentioned comes directly from WC2.
You’re arguing with a hunter with int enchants, you do you though. lol
You raise a fair point
They’ve never cared about lore which is the harsh truth. It’s always been sacrificed violently on the alter of whatever whims they have. The game has always suffered a little, more-so in later years, as a result of this (it compounds with time and devs also got more wild with it lets be honest, that and you know retconning retcons because they couldn’t fix it right the first time and changed their mind).
That said, complaining about class racial locks as ruining the lore after all else they’ve done to destroy any faith you should have in them is an interesting choice to say the least.
There is such a thing as meta elements. That is things we as characters can do for gameplay and other reasons which don’t fit neatly in the lore. A good example I would have used would be the player ability to die and see a spirit healer then resurrect as that makes no sense. Of course the geniuses at Blizzard writing decided to base an expac partially off such nonsense which kind of throws the meta of that into question but you should get the idea.
A better meta example might be how void elves can currently play holy and disc priests despite as we saw with Alleria and the Sunwell, they should quite literally combust trying to mix those two. Yet Blizzard has no mechanics for locking players out of specs of a class by race. They could have put some in but didn’t.
That’s actually one of the few hard-problems that are inexplicable and impossible by virtue of lore. There’s no reason a normal draenei couldn’t become a warlock or a normal blood elf couldn’t become a druid just because their people typically aren’t.
The excuse typically used for denying things like that in the past (and denying us high elves) were that there weren’t enough of them in game statistically to be able to account for players having such a choice. Of course when they introduced void elves (themselves a smaller, subset of a faction than high elves) they threw that out the window carelessly as they often do with lore rules that get in the way of an idea they want.
I do think there is a more elegant solution for the hard class-race problems like void elves being light-wielding classes/specs of classes and lightforged draenei using shadow/void magic. That is of course to rework and remove the allied race system. Instead condense races down to their base elements. No more void elves, just high elves that can be either blood, void, or high elf and change that at the barber shop. No more lightforged draenei, just draenei that can become lightforged at the barber shop. These choices would lock in appropriate looks and lock in and out specs and classes (if you choose warlock you can’t change to lightforged if you’re a draenei, if you choose paladin you can’t choose void elf but can choose blood or high elf).
Of course this requires more work. It requires some major reworking, it requires changes to the character creation screen, the barber shop, and so on. And it should extend beyond just those races, I think trolls should be free to switch to Zandalari and back and Orcs to Mag’har and back, Gnomes to Mecha-Gnome and back, and so on. But it would be a major improvement and I might add a big bone thrown to RPers.
Right because lore never mattered!
It’s WAY more lore breaking to me that you believe that NOT A SINGLE DRAENEI hasn’t delved into the fel in over a decade, despite the broken Draenei being actively accepted in Draenei society and openly practicing as warlocks.
Then why should you care? I mean, there’s a lot of things in today’s world that don’t make sense. From politics to trending controversial things but people still lap it up clean. This is just one minor addition to a long list of things.
Little late to the party lmaowhete have you been for the past 10 years? Weird, it’s almost like blizzard is a company trying to make money
Frackin genius. Couldn’t say it any better
I disagree.
They leaned hard into the Lore when they first made WoW, following Warcraft 3. A lot of their best stories came out of building up what was written from Warcraft 1, 2, and 3.
The issue is that after Arthas was defeated they had no idea where to go next.
So when do gnomes get paladins?
When Blizzard gets done giving them a Pony mount to go with it.
All Paladins get their own Racial Mount. It’s the rule.
I’ll be darned before I let the Lore haters take that away from Paladin fans as well.
If the Lightforged Draenei Warlocks had tomatoes thrown at them by other Lightforged Draenei would that make you feel better
Fixed that for you.
Players wanted the racial limitations lifted. And it’s widely well received.
Besides, nobody plays LFD anyway.
You’ll get over it.
They said Paladin, Shaman, and Druid will take longer, guess it’ll be for obvious reasons. Can’t wait to see the Paladin mounts they come up with for various races!
Though as a Shaman I’m more wondering the different totems!
They don’t go far enough with Shamans.
The Elementals should be unique too, as not all races see the Elementals in the same way.
This is a good idea. I wish each race/class combination had something unique to them.