Noblegarden New Rare Mount post

I really enjoy gathering chocolate eggs, so if they made this mount available for 2k chocolates I wouldn’t mind in the least.


Actually it’s increasing my will to play. All I can think about is the 15 characters I have sitting around doing nothing but waiting for the next day. I really don’t want to haul them all over Azeroth though either. I think I’ll have to level some littles.

Sometimes the kill is super quick for me and others I think he’ll never die. The worst part is how long it takes the egg to respawn. Oh yeah and my dwarf friend, Goldshire is a pita bc the boss is much further away than Razor Hill.

Anyone know of a boss spawn spot that is close to the eggs for Alliance?

I have to admit though the RNG is making me crazy. Some people got more than 1 before the buff and others like us can’t get it no matter what even after the buff. It might not be so bad if the cosmetics were vendorable for gold but it pretty much is carpet or nothing at this point and getting multiple mog items feels like trolling big time.

I’ve given up on getting it although I will continue to try . :cry:

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Today’s alt army run through got me: 25 eggs - all had chocolate except 1 pair of tux pants and 1 spring florist’s pouch toy
2 turquoise belts
1 attire
1 sun hat

Still no carpet.

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wait, what?
You mean to tell me that this mount will spit out X slot bags for every expansion to come?

Its one of two carpets you can ride without tailoring

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Alright now can we get an extension on Noblegarden being around? I hate one week events in general since people have jobs and it’s even worse for me this time since our power has been out since Tuesday(if we’re lucky it will be back 11pm Saturday)! I feel like two weeks should really be the minimum.

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Got mine after 20 kills on 11 different toons.

Today’s haul: 28 eggs - chocolates, 1 cursed rabbits foot and 1 Spring Robes
2 turquoise boots
1 belt
1 dress
1 pants
1 hat

No carpet.

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Boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and…-



You complained non stop about Plunderstorm too, something easily obtainable without RNG. shrug

Seems to me you want all the stuff without the efforts.

RNG is nice. Feels good when you get something kinda rare.

Been farming Love Rocket for ever so many years without a drop myself, and that’s OK too. I actually have something to look forward to.

Where have I complained nonstop about Plunderstorm, considering I don’t participate in those threads whatsoever? I haven’t posted in one of those since about three days after it went live. And the comments I made were that I may not enjoy it, but others do and I think they should expand it to its own game mode.

So where is this even coming from?

For things that are permanent, sure. Not for short term events. Especially those that aren’t returning.


Blizzard and Quality are not a thing. Every patch. Every feature. All the “feedback”. It’s so counter-intuitive the charade they play.

Gonna press X to doubt on this one.

Feels nice to do an event, get the things in the event, and have events be fresh every year. I know another critically acclaimed mmorpg that does just this AND their limited time events always make a comeback too - you know, just in case you missed it.


3 kills. 1 carpet

would happily trade it for Midnight if I could, that mount refuses to drop.

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Up to 80 tries today, not yet, maybe tomorrow.

Got 2 carpet today

got it on 4th attempt

maybe its the universe saying sorry for not giving me the headless horseman’s mount for 8 years lol

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People wanting it put on the vendor are most certainly wanting 100%.

Got mine yesterday after about 40-50 tries. It is a very easy RNG.

108 Attempts no mount - 1 day left

Does this boss drop anything but chocolate?

Either I am super unlucky or there is something weird going on. Not a single event item, can he only drop the 1% mount but no event transmogs?

no there is transmog items - how many times did you kill it?

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