Noblegarden New Rare Mount post


just about 20x so far, but it´s always just the chocolate. :sleepy:

that is sort of odd

1st try. Easylife.

Ya, seems to have some really low drop rates for me…

Fun part is, I just tried again and my first char got a summer hat and my second got two transmogs and the carpet.

At least something on the last day.

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So basically you admit low drop rates on Holiday items is bad, Arfus, and then do the exact same thing, before saying you implemented a hotfix, without giving and numbers, so it’s just really a placebo effect.


Finally got the carpet on my second character of the day. My first character’s “increased chance” yielded 2 eggs and yet another pair of turquoise boots. GL to everyone still wanting this mount (or any mogs you still don’t have)!

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96 tries no mount. Maybe next year (I leave for work tomorrow before reset time)

What’s worse about Arfus is that it isn’t cageable. I got an extra that I can’t even give away. :roll_eyes:

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Same with the carpet mount …can’t even trade it too anyone if you were in party group with them …I seen someone comment they had gotten 4 extras already…

i killed the boss for the first time today and got it >.> i hate the stupid carpets. Oh well, i will just transfer the character to my wife when Warbrands come out and give her the thing.

I did the event a couple times each day for the mogs, got the carpet and 2 pc of mog yesterday from the same kill. Maybe they have upped the drop rate as we near the end?

I got the mount on my 30th kill.

Maybe they did,

I missed out on some mogs though, so I have to be patient until next year. (I am a mog hunter, so this hurts more than a potential miss on the mount)

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you are using level 60+ characters… right?

hooray for account sharing.


Almost forgot to attempt this, got the mount hours before the event ended. Meh.

Well I was able to play this morning, got 16 more runs in, 112 runs and no mount, my first toon of the day didn’t even get the double drop on the first run of the day, I just got ONE egg . I want my extra egg Blizz. Anyway, kind of tired of this game now.

Finally got it yesterday when I decided to run an alt through… I thought it dropped from the boss not the basket.

RNG was awful to you. Hope you get a super rare mount drop from a raid or somewhere the next time you run one.

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Its the karen way of life

Oh yeah so I should mention that after running mythic Antorus up to 7 times a week I got the Shackled Urzul mount this week! I still don’t have the mount from the dogs, but my friends and I run it 4 to 7 times per week now just for fun transmog sets.