Noblegarden New Rare Mount post

I finally got my pants and hat and then pants again and then attire and then belt…

40 tries in 3 days = no mount = sad face

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ok so now all of my friends except me have it :melting_face:
tomorrow’s the day!

I do find it odd that it isn’t a duck lol. Like what the heck does a magic carpet have to do with noblegarden.


It has eggs on it. That’s where the similarities begin and end. :sweat_smile:

78 and counting this is ssoo asinine, it is not fun@all


Oh my gosh… so sorry. That’s horrible!

Did you ever find out? I’ve been trying to find a set list for the mogs but I can’t find it. I have no idea if I have them all or not.

6 items in the set


Thank you!

“added bonus chance” but did someone hit the “apply” button this time unlike the last holiday boss mount drop rate was supposedly increased as well.

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i got it today, 2nd character of the day

30 or so attempts all together


Grats Capri!

I think Blizz is trolling me because I got an egg and… another egg. Really? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well I’m 0 out of 64 tries so far, maybe tomorrow.

I’m beginning to hate the color turquoise. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I did the thing that everybody hates. Sorry y’all.

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I think I have earned 2 full sets of transmog today (I already had 1) but no carpet. Anyone know of a manifestation ritual I can perform before Sunday?

thanks to this i got the mount on both my EU account and my NA account after waiting for the reset the day after this went live.

:smiley: pats the slime kitten

55 tries and no carpet mount… cries


Using this thread as a catch-all for the event but is this Mount hunt killing anyone else will to play?

Id rather be achievement hunting or gridning to 40 in Plunderstorm but i want that carpet so i can get rid of tailoring (now that DF screwed professions) and the execution of this boss takes forever.

I know its my choice to do it, but its not just a mount. Its a choice in professions. And im kind of pissed its only a week. Plus this open world boss is grueling on an alt army.

Which is sad because i love the boss himself. I think hea pretty funny, love the puns, and the knockback is fun to see everyone race back.

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What I keep saying…what does a carpet have to do with a Druid that turns into a Duck…it should of been a Duck Mount :duck:QUACK