Noblegarden New Rare Mount post

52nd kill. Still think Bad Luck Protection should be added to 1% drops. Lol.

Now the fun task of hearthing all 14 toons back to Valdrakken.


Congratulations. I was able to get this today as well. However, I still think these rare drops should have bad luck protection.

You give me hope. I have tried 40 times. sigh
Maybe tomorrow

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I have gotten that Wader 3 timesā€¦made some nice bank off two of themā€¦

Still say it should of been a Duck mount :duck:QUACK


Only after the playerbase had to light that fire under their butts.
This isnŹ»t the first time this has happened, they should have predicted how this goes.

Its like Bullwinkle and his hat: ā€œThis time, fer Shure!!ā€
(yes i am that old)

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David Icke has entered the chat

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Do do realize you just summed up the entire endgame experienceā€¦

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To be fair I donā€™t really do the endgame things. I guess normal people really do like doing that. I stand corrected :dracthyr_nod:

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HaH I still have my Carrot on the Stick trinket from Vanillaā€¦hahaha

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I got it on my first attempt today. Itā€™s kinda low-res so I probably wonā€™t ever use it. :rabbit2:

Yeah but if you get it, you no longer need Tailoring

14 characters a day - still no carpet. Iā€™ve probably received every piece of the transmog 5 times over, though.

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First kill of the day today on this guy, got the carpet. Not sure if thatā€™s any indication of the new drop rate or not, but itā€™s definitely something. Hoping others will experience similar luck.

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I was fortunate enough to only need to kill the boss twice to get my carpet. This was before the adjustments to the drops. Wish I had been that lucky with other holiday mounts.

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Got mine this morning.

I thought it was just a recolor but I was pleasantly surprised by the love put into this mount. Cute details.

Surprisingly, it didnā€™t drop for me on the 1st attempt of the day. So Iā€™m guessing I got the 1% version? Woo, lucky me!

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Just had the egg despawn on us as we pulled it toward the nest. It takes how long to spawn? 5 minutes? You canā€™t have this. Please donā€™t ever do this again. I know itā€™s for engagement metrics, but do something else.

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According to their post, the overall drop chance was increased, and they added a daily bonus chance to increase it further. We just donā€™t know what the increase actually is.

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Sweet deal.

I feel like a lucky guy!

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And yet, all i got was the same pants over and over and over on 6 toons. :frowning: