Yes crafted gear is pretty dang good. Your rings for example, if you have 60 aspect crests you can get a 486 ring crafted with the stats you desire. (Part of the reason why M+ is so potent.) I wouldn’t trust many of these guides as well. They are often not up to date or just unreliable. Personally I check Raider IO and see what the best players are running instead. For example this is the 4th best shaman in the region in M+ as well as 7/9 M.
Looking through the top M+ runners they all seem to run Lariat and bracers which is what you would ideally want to craft. Once you have embellishments covered you can craft whatever your weakest pieces are as that can differ from person to person.
Even the bests guilds in the game experience deaths as long as it is not happening constantly just brush it off and try again no big deal.
We had a mage in Legion and probably half of our first kills were with them hugging the floor. Not because they were always dead, but the pulls they were would be the ones we got it on.
I joined a raid group for 9.1 just kinda on accident. Finished up Normal and started Heroic prog with them. The 2nd time we were working on Sylvanas I had to stay late at work so I was about an hour late to raid (3hr raid). Ofc they got it within that hour.
And then immediately transferred to Horde.
And I mean, no big deal to go pug it. That’s what I did. But the speed at which they were outa there was crazy. When I was a raid leader we always made sure to do a couple rounds of AotC to make sure people who missed it got it. And then probably an achievement run the after that.
That’s why I always save my game when I see one, even if rebooting my game ruins my sandwich timer.
I think you misread. If you see here where it says “Crafting Notes” it actually lists why the cloak isn’t ideal anymore. It also talks about crafted wrists that would clash with the best embellishment item for your spec (Armguards) which are also listed on this page as something you’d want to make.
In fact, there are 8-10 embellishments listed for your spec on this page, and crafted gear is the only way to get embellishments.
So in other words, yes crafted gear is worthwhile to make.
Also while I’m looking at this, is there a reason you don’t have 3 socketed gems on that neck? Unlike other sockets on gear, the neck sockets are relatively easy to get on the AH.
Even if you’re done with raiding this season (or expansion), most (if not all) of this will be applicable to TWW raiding.
Sometimes I don’t save just so I can feel something
( joking, sometimes I straight up get “target acquired” and zoom right into the shiny before saving )
The people that shiny hunt in the safari zone however are INSANE
Grab the quest from Kazra, the drakonid by the fountain in Valdrakken, and look in thr premade Dungeon groups for people doing M0s (most likely RLP) for the weekly, and bam, one more shot at heroic raid gear. It may not be much, but it’s a guarenteed piece (albeit not a guaranteed upgrade) for minimal work.
practice not standing in glowing stuff on the ground to a T next time.
I’m too high ilvl for M0, wouldn’t the vault reflect that? Only give me gear in the vaults that match the ilvl of the content you did?
Wait, I thought those only worked on crafted pieces like the Lariat
Sometimes in keys a DPS dies and it becomes easier with just 4 people.
But then why does it give me the BiS for raiding gear when that is a lie? I expected better out of Wordup as being THE Enhancment Shaman guy and goes up and lies to me?
So great I’m going to question everything he put down and now I gotta screw around with my talents too since I’m using one of his builds!
Everyone stay away from Wowhead, they are a horrible site
I’m talking specifcally about a quest from Kazra, the quest is Emissary of War, you just have to do any 4 mythics (m0 have to be DF dungeons, or you can do any keys) and you get one piece of Heroic gear guarenteed. I mention m0s just because you can get them done pretty fast.
The rewards from Great Vault won’t be much use in those slots, unless you just want the tokens for a gemslot. I forget the minimum key level for heroic vault slots. 18s will get you myth track in vault though.
For this, you can buy Tiered Medallion Settings. Only the Lariat will have the extra effect, but all necks can have up to 3 slots.
You have to put the settings in in a specific manner. Knowing how things tend to be priced, the tier 2 settings should be the cheapest, buy 2 of those, use them both, and then a tier 3 setting. You have to use the tier 3 setting last to get the 3rd slot.
Try subcreation.
Subcreation looks a little cluttered and complicated.
And grand more multiple answers that I have to test on a dummy for hours so I know which talents suit me. Subcreations might be good for you but wow that was overwhelming
Good god I thought I was doing Heroic raiding not trying to sign up for Mythic Invintationals
What are you looking for specifically? The top 2 builds for Enhance are exactly the same except for 1 talent. They also match up perfectly with the one on WoWhead.
Regarding BiS, everyone is pretty much going to be near optimized on that website I’m sure. Any pieces or gem/enchant combos are going to be, if not BiS, at least usable. Dracothyst Armguards and Lariat seem to be your best crafted. Mastery/Haste as your chants/gems. Can sim those too.
I just don’t want to be dead weight, and those other builds means I gotta try them and see if they work out for me, then I gotta do some math, try and coax a bunch of people to craft me gear, then gotta make a boat load of gold just to pay for that crafted gear.
Then practice rotations through those talents until my hands cramp, just so I’m not behind.
But sounds like I’m already behind and I’m not going to catch up any time soon
I think you’re looking for excuses at this point, and that’s not me being rude when I say that.
If you don’t want to be dead weight, then try things to improve. You don’t have to coax anyone to crafting you gear, you toss up a crafting order and put in trade “crafting order up for [insert item name here]. 5k tip. Please and thanks.” And someone will make it for you. You don’t have to do a lot of math, you just have to do some practice runs with the intent of getting better.
You don’t have to go to this extent. You set up a test timer and whack a dummy for 5 minutes.
Defeatist talk. If you don’t wanna be dead weight and you want your raid to go “Get 'em up!” when you get hit by an unfortunate mechanic, put in the work. If I was your raid leader and I saw you talking like this, I would be more disappointed than anything else. You’re choosing to give up because you don’t wanna put in the effort after saying you don’t wanna be dead weight.
I had all expansion “to not be behind”, it’s not defeatist it’s logical
People will do Lariats for a 5k top? I thought Lariat was last season, and people were cornering the market like a mafia when it comes to those.
If I don’t, I won’t have the muscle memory to fully optimize; good gear helps but a ilvl means nothing if my damage is poor.
Likely, yeah. Provided you’re giving all the mats. A 5-10k tip is usually more than enough for a crafter to do a public order.
No, this is just on the forums. Lariat is BiS for Holy and at least one DPS spec (yours, according to subcreation) and there’s several people on our server who can make them.