No, We Don't All Want Dual-Spec Added to BC

Truth and the window lickers that keep posting play retail, it is your bed time! Summer ends in two weeks and you will actually have to attend school this year instead of playing wow all day

I think it would probably be in your best interest to start posting in a more respectful manner. I’ve listed plenty of polls and community responses to the Dual Spec question. The majority of players want Dual Spec, this is a fact.

Once again, your opinion of yourself, as well as your made up “facts” are not a good indication of reality. And posting in a more respectful manner? Lol, who are you again?


Don’t worry about it. With Blizz’s ongoing HR/PR nightmare considered, I highly doubt adding any QoL systems to TBC is a priority right now. Which is a good thing because I certainly don’t want drunk/hungover Cosbyesque frat boys implementing anything in this game.

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Gotta have some free time for that cube crawling.

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good. may blizzard be forever in a perpetual PR crisis. only in this way can classic be spared.


The guy trying to help you realize your poor posting conduct is going to end with you on a free vacation, again.

who cares dude. it’s just a dumb forum.

Considering maybe 1% of the playerbase took part in those poles and they were already bais in the fact that a lot of the people who took it are streamer sheep following what their streamer told them to do?


The 21,000 vote poll was made by a Classic content creator who is not supportive of Dual Spec. The 21,000 vote poll was 79% in favor of Dual Spec.

Nice try though. Every single poll has shown a majority in favor of Dual Spec.

and the majority of children want to eat ice cream for dinner every night


Citation please.

Speak for yourself OP, I want DS and if we’re going to have FvF bgs then might as well give us DS.

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Is t it amazing how during TBC players managed just fine without dual spec? The game flourished, adding millions of more players.

This isn’t a game issue; it’s a player issue. It’s players unable to detach a Retail mindset from the Classic game. The two games offer very different experiences. They’re designed differently. Those differences are good.

Long story short: it’s up to you to adjust to the game, not the other way around. There’s already a game that provides what you seek. It’s called Shadowlands.


Did players have a “Retail mindset” when they were demanding something like Dual Spec during original TBC? Dual Spec was first mentioned by Blizzard at the 2008 World Wide Invitational in June of 2008. Development of Dual Spec began during TBC because of issues that manifested during TBC.


And it’ll be there in Classic Wrath, as it should be.

By the way, the worst thing Blizz could ever do is listen to the playerbase. Which means the outspoken 1% entitled crowd. That’s what they did the first time around, and it destroyed the game.


I guess we’ll just see, won’t we?

I’d have replied sooner, but a Windows update borked my network adapter. Although it goes w/o saying that the proposed change is directed at the company, players don’t hesitate to grief each other when expressing opinions about the game, hence my comment because I expected some of the aformentioned grief.

Your comment is an example of that. My opinion is no more or no less important than anyone elses, and I certainly don’t think I’m special. However, I would not have attacked someone’s character personally based solely on an opinion of the game.

And people made videos and announcements about the pole and had their followers go vote on it.

Just because the person who started the pole may not have supported dual spec doesn’t mean another person who did support dual spec didn’t direct his followers to go vote for dual spec on it.

Also, I have seen plenty of poles that got ruined from bots designed to vote on poles and use a different IP address every time. Heck some people I know went and cheese the blizzard vote that was done a few years back when voting on that mount. They would make accounts with no game time, vote for the horde mount, and then make another account, using something around 20+ newly made email addresses just to do it in mass.

It’s not hard to break a voting pole that doesn’t require real life ID, social, exc. Because you can make more accounts on things like wow, YouTube, or what ever system is being used to take the “unique” votes.

So no, the pole your talking about doesn’t make me feel the majority wanted dual spec because of many factors that could have been used to offset the vote from the reality of support/against it was meant to reflect.

Heck, I know a friend who can code a script to do just what I am describing.

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Dude, it’s POLL.