No Waxwick from Khaz Algar Safari

Blizzard recently removed the requirement for the bugged Umbral Amalgam from the Khaz Algar Safari Achievement. This meant I received the achievement upon logging into the game after the 11.0.7 patch. However, the achievement did not grant the listed Waxwick pet reward, which was the entire point of fixing the achievement. Please award my pet. As it is account wide, there is no way to re-do this achievement on another character.


Same here. I was hoping it would of been fixed up this past Tuesday.

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FYI this is no longer bugged, as 11.0.7 also made adjustments to it (though the designer behind it doesn’t believe it was ever bugged, though we all know it used to be able to appear as a backline pet). There are now a few guaranteed spawns in each Beledar dark cycle.

Par for the course, really. Something is broken. Blizzard says it’s not broken. Then they do something to fix what they said wasn’t broken. Then they break something else. lol. Look, Blizzard. It’s fairly simple. Pay someone some overtime and get them to skip lunch, and just search the database for people have the achievement for Khaz Algar Safari but don’t have the Waxwick pet among their pets. Send those people the Waxwick pet. They put in the work, they deserve the reward.

And if Khaz Algar Safari is working properly now and people who are finishing it now, after umbral amalgam was removed, are getting the Waxwick pet, then that aspect of it is solved. All you have to do is make good for the people who got the achievement without getting the pet. How hard could that be?


I also did not get the pet.

I also did not get the Waxwick and I did not get the achievement until I found an Umbral
Amalgam a few days ago.

I also did not get the pet. Would be nice if they got their act together and awarded it those they screwed it up for.

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It is a bit technical, but I guess that the new achievement that was supposed to fix the reward issue, links to a CriteriaTree ID that is missing something.

Recently they avoided adding missing RewardItemIDs (e.g. Lil’ Bonechewer for “Worm Theory” or Fuzzy for “Family Battler of Khaz Algar”) to the original achievements’ data. I don’t know the reason, maybe rewarding players retroactively never worked or no longer works like this.

So instead, they added hidden copies (not exactly copies, but they name them copy) of achievements where they have the RewardItemIDs and the required criteria is the completion of the original achievement.

  1. For the “Khaz Algar Safari” we have the original 40194 achievement with now 30 required pets (instead of the former 31 with Umbral Amalgam) and still no reward.

  2. We now also have the hidden “Khaz Algar Safari (copy)” 41683 achievement with the reward and this lists CriteriaTree ID 207362 which (for me with my baby-datamining) is not or no longer correctly connected to the original achievement or anything at all, while the other achievements’ copies I mentioned somehow bring me to the original ones.

So from my understanding, the Devs have to check what is wrong with this CriteriaTree ID 207362 to make it trigger correctly when players complete(d) the original achievement by collecting the 30 required pets.

been a problem forever

check here Not receiving pet waxwick from achievement Khaz Algar Safari