No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Well, I don’t think any of that. If you want to rp a helf, I think that’s just fine. I have a goblin demo warlock who I rp that she accidently stumbled on to the staff of Sargaras and is now playing the most aggressive game of pet battles/pokemon ever created.

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My personal view on it woulda been, BE keep their story (Though like I said there’s so many for a race that’s supposedly near extinction) and join Horde. I don’t think it’s all that great but it’s not bad.

High Elves who didn’t join the BE and ones trapped in outland join Alliance.

Got yourself a faction rivalry like the orcs/humans got. Yeah I’m sure people would complain but the stans would finally have their elves and maybe there would be more Faction balance. Who knows.

Honestly the Devs missed out on giving the Alliance the Broken, now that’s a cool race. Ugly Squid demon looking people who hates Orcs as much as humans do? That woulda made for some good stories.

I can’t RP without the hair colors.

Tough luck. I don’t think we should have them, but I feel for you.

The broken are a good race idea I think.

For me, the problem with helf on alliance/belf on the horde is two fold. One, I think helfs are universally uninteresting. Void elves have the potential to be more interesting (imo), and the second point is game play.

Races should be visually distinct. It starts to muddle everything if it all looks the same, and as much as I love Pandarans…they shouldn’t have been on both factions, I think.

Pro HE people in these threads have been known to be very aggressive and insulting.

Twisting of words, villainizing people based on disagreement, all while normally also insulting Blood Elves validity on the Horde.

So it’s not hard to see why Blood Elf fans are outspoken.

Personally I’ve supported the community in the past but I view this as a decent compromise, one that came when core races were supposed to be the ones getting love and all Blood Elves have to show for losing our main theme is some jewelry only one gender can use. So the cries from the HE community (for me anyways) about how they still are unhappy kind just doesn’t sit well with me.

The Wayfarer look can be achieved as a RP tool, no longer must your Void Elf come from being a former Blood Elf, and that was always one major argument I saw was “We’d like Void Elves so much more if they didn’t come from Blood Elves”

And I feel like others in this thread have expressed as a Blood Elf fan I’m going to make sure the last of the uniqueness isn’t stolen, I would have really thought they would have added decent customization to Blood Elves before gifting a second visual theme to Void Elves and they didn’t so I’m not going to sit by and advocate for the final pieces to be stolen too.


100% agree with you here.

Just offering a solution because so many people love Elves. It’s insane.

Broken are lowkey awesome. Alliance needs a monster race that would allow for more story telling. They missed the mark with the Worgen because werewolves are cool, Worgen are not.

Could have done some nice stories with Broken who detest Orcs and Ogres and had them link up with Humans who felt the same way and made the Alliance seem less generic.

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See I like the worgen. I think they are having the same problem the void elves are. Bad PR. Blizz just introduced them saying “Yea werewolves/alliance elves. Here you are” and expected them to sell themselves. But people want more lore. Least I do. Especially lore that isn’t fully revolving around humans and orcs.

Though, yes, I do like your Broken idea.

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lol It’s not my fault you don’t like the fact that Blood Elves enriched the Horde story and work beautifully.
No amount of crying over what you think was a mistake is going to change anything.


I think the Worgen aren’t as fierce looking as they should be. Yeah think you’re right about them not spending enough time on certain races. I’m really surprised they didn’t add Broken. Dark Iron are good too.

That’s just, like your opinion, man. I don’t think the BE story was that great, it’s aight but let’s not pretend it was fantastic. Horde already had a great story going for it. BE was just put in to balance the outrageous faction unbalance going into TBC and mostly what it did was bring us terrible NE players and Alliance who were tired of losing pvp.

I don’t consider pointing out a flaw to be crying but you can keep thinking that. Cat’s out of the bag, just sayin what they coulda done to fix this elf issue. I really couldn’t care less.

I do think that they could use a bit more savage in their bite. It feels like they are in lore, but not with the player characters and that’s disappointing.

Yea, I do like dark irons. I’m leveling my DI Aff Lock right now.

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I just want a bright white hair option for void elves.

What issue?
What is the problem complaining is solving?

White and blonde :two_hearts:

You know what the issue is.

Yeah I don’t see why not. That’s the change you should have received, not blood elf skin tones. Void tattoos are another thing you should have got in place of blood elf skin tones.

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DI look amazing. Was playing with them on the creator in game. They’re still Dwarves but their lore/looks just adds so much to the Alliance that was needed imo.

People are asking for more race customization options, don’t got to change Worgen but can give them some feral/savage options. I was here when Worgen got first introduced and people were like, “the heck is this?” on the first model work.

Yeah, lorewise Worgen are scary. (Not sure if it’s changed, been a while) They come from a realm of darkness, they’re beasts that are savage and natural hunter/killers. Alliance having worgens storywise should have been way more impactful, especially from the Horde perspective.

DI, savage Worgen, Broken would make Alliance way more interesting.

I got to head to bed, was nice talking to you. Catch you on these forums, just getting into retail and liking it so far with these SL changes.

I said that they shoulda just given both factions elves. I don’t know if the OG devs knew how popular they would be or not.

Yeah I got issues with the lore/representation because it doesn’t make much since given their story. It is what it is. I’m just giving my opinion on it.

At this point in the game I don’t see the issue with just giving both what they want since so many people like Elves. Personally I don’t get it but eh, what harm could it do? Maybe it would solve some faction issues. No clue.

The main shift that actualy started the Horde getting most players was back in MoP, because of some racial changes, to my understanding. Blood Elves just have numbers cause they’re pretty. They did not shift the Horde to be dominant in numbers.

Certainly the Forsaken.

I’m curious what you see with the Orcs that is similar?

Have more imagination. Embrace the Void a little. The Void can open so many doors.

Or why they’re so quick to engage either.

I do not blame belf players being aggressive right now, especially since I have the gall to show up as a dark skinned velf. :stuck_out_tongue:

Between having every right to feel slighted and being attacked mercilessly, to just wanting to have some peace for awhile, I can understand a bit where they are coming from.

Exactly. We don’t “need” more.

Plus I fear if we don’t start actively voicing our interests for Void themes we’ll lose out come 9.1.5…

Stark white and Deep black would be nice… I have to say.

For now though I can wait.

I also want some N’zoth eyes and starry eyes… also tattoos of a voidy nature and scars.

Oh and I would like to borrow the belf ear length…


This is a sign of lack of creativity and skill.

Two post alt.

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To be fair, not everyone posts on one character and one alone.

I often use a toon that makes more sense for whatever it is I’m supporting.

Plus it could just be a new forum poster here for the first time.

Also white and black hair color are among the most requested void elf hair colors. (that aren’t based on natural tones)

Edit: also… Are you… A defibrillator?


I don’t care if they want neon green hair with pink polkadots.

They already got their compromise with the skin tones.

I play one on TV.