No, Void Elves should not have Blood Elf hair tones/options

Every last bit of this.

Honestly I’ve had so much trouble working with my Belves. I expected so much more.

They need to also add Tattoos to them, Farstrider and Arcane… maybe light?

Scars too…

In both cases it should be separated from face and body.

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Nobody you’d know. My retail character is on Oceanic and just barely started playing after years.

I’m someone who thought it was stupid that Horde got elves in TBC. It made no sense, it ruined the aesthetic of the Horde and we already have issues with everything being about Syl.

Every forest in Azeroth is an immortal fairytale forest. Also, unless you are talking about botanist from BC (which aren’t druids. They are mages that control nature with arcane/alchemy), Blizz retgoned all helf druid stuff.

Fair enough.

I disagree.

So wrong.
And even if it were true stating your view doesn’t ‘solve’ anything.

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Everyone got their opinion but the proof is in the pudding when the faction balance shifted and most the horde is a faction that was intended to be a minor one. You’d think the horde was an elven faction.

The amount of people who stan for elves in this game is astounding.

That’s a lot of speculation there friend.

I still disagree. Your pudding probably should have cooked a bit longer.


Blood Elves didn’t fit in with the Horde lore, there wasn’t supposed to be many left. Most went into Outland, Alliance still had high Elves running around. Eleves were pretty much near extinct after Arthas went on a rampage. Not my fault you don’t like this.

Yeah it solves everything. Most of the Horde are elves, giving Alliance High elves would have balanced the factions since there’s so many elf stans.

Blood elves are a good fit for the Horde. They have a lot in common with orcs and undead, storywise.

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You actually going to pretend like the Horde isn’t mostly elves, especially after TBC and onward?

If you got some statistics to back up that sentiment I’d love to see it.

Otherwise… what’s the old saying about citations being needed.

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You got to be joking thinking Horde isn’t mostly BE and BE isn’t the most popular race Horde side. The two biggest ones are Elves and Undead. There’s a reason why the population shifted overnight come TBC. The denial is real.

No denial. I just

A) Don’t care (because I don’t think there is a problem even if the statement is true)


B) Don’t believe any “data” claims on the internet without first verifying the source because most claims are… lets say not as accurate as they could be… you know… to be nice about things.

Fair enough but as a long time Horde player I can safely say along with many other Horde players, Elves are the most popular.

For whatever reason people love BE/HE. Should have just given them to both sides but basically it would be Evil Elves and their friends versus Good Elves and their friends.

Would have saved the threads like this from being made. Elves are lame anyways.

That’s certainly an opinion to have. I like the current storyline of the blood elves. Way more than high elves in any incarnation. They are far more interesting as a race than high elves could ever hope to be.

Though, I think you underestimate this community’s ability to be mad about something. I’m sure they’d find a reason why your solution “broke the elves lore” or something.

. . . This thread has shown me the TRUE dangers of an echo chamber of opinions, thanks.

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Can you be more specific? There are actually quite a few echo chambers in here. I’m trying to see if I can get a wind tunnel going.

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I would, but I’ve already gotten enough flack in this thread for being a “selfish, greedy, delusional pro high elf player” so yea, I’m kinda done here.

Thought I made some decent points but yea, that kinda answers the question I guess

The only way I can see that being true is if it broke the echo chamber you’re more used to. Blood Elf fans are just as valid to speak their minds as HE fans and HE threads are a lot of times echo chambers of HE fans.

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Oh I don’t disagree . . . Just not fun being insulted for having your own opinion. Can’t speak for other pro high elf players, but I can’t recall ever insulting a blood elf fan for their opinion, and if I have then I apologize.

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