Because that’s where they all roll and you never get locked out of transferring out of a pvp server.
Can’t go PVE to PVP and it limits your options. But even pve servers tend to side one faction over time.
Because that’s where they all roll and you never get locked out of transferring out of a pvp server.
Can’t go PVE to PVP and it limits your options. But even pve servers tend to side one faction over time.
This is so !@#% sad, its almost pathetic.
Just imagine if every fast food joint closed up shop RIGHT NOW. Some would starve but most of us would be missing a favorite item or two. These server populations are a 60 car pile-up on the interstate highway. This is worse than Nintendo baiting the Nintendo Classic then not delivering. Could’ve sold a billion of those, I’m still angry.
Blizzard, where are you? Where is the !@#% flavor?
I re-rolled from alliance to horde recently just to add to our horde pop and it’s been really fun and lots going on. Definitely would be worth it for anyone looking to leave struggling horde servers.
EDIT: On grobb.
I don’t PvP, but this should have been predictable. The servers aren’t equal because nobody wants equal. Not really. What they want is the odds in their favor. They want to be the hunter and the other faction to be the outnumbered helpless prey on the run. And that’s what you’ve got.
The average world PvPer is Ramsay Snow chasing a helpless girl through the woods with dogs.
Feels good, rolled RP realm for laughs and it ended up being the last remaining pvp realm in NA
People voted with their wallet to not WPVP. Can’t force them to do something they dont want
/shrug I just made a new toon on Bene from being on Atiesh which is still a decent sized Alliance server (not at all for Horde), but it’s a night and day difference cause I see the chat rolling 24/7 on Bene even at 3am. Compare that to Atiesh which is pretty much dead at those times.
Whats even more sad is the boosters have left Atiesh cause there’s more people on Bene. As for pvp, world pvp has been dead for years in WoW cause the only people who do it are losers who only gank/grief players…that’s not pvp when someone doesn’t want to pvp. When you get these mega servers with 90% one faction its cause people want a server where they can do things they cant do on other servers. Hell if you compare Bene to actual low pop servers its ground breaking.
Even if Blizzard implemented a faction balance system of say no more than 51% or 52% in a server faction, people would still flock to the biggest server of population regardless. You’d still have people flocking from say a 40% alliance favored server to one that is 50% cause its got a population for doing content and what does a MMORPG need? a healthy server population for you faction.
Why is Blizzard allowing new Alliance toons to be rolled on US East Benediction PvP when it is 94.2% Alliance?
I don’t know maybe cause thats where majority of the Alliance player base is at?
/Pikachu shock face
I know why you rolled a new toon.
But why didn’t Blizzard stop you from doing it when the Benediction alliance population is 94% alliance?
Cause its 94%, it’s already 40% over the faction balance threshold. If they wanted a faction balance system they would have had to do it when TBCC dropped, not now when server pops are out of control.
They could even have a free Alliance transfer off Bene while making a free Horde transfer to Bene and it still won’t fix the problem cause people will just do the same all over again (find the biggest pop server).
It’s like trying to throw water out of a sinking boat with a red plastic cup.
One thing that prohibits PVE realms growth is the PVE-PVP transfer restriction. Imagine a two-lane road that the left lane can change but the right cannot. Almost everyone would start on the left, none wants to be locked to PVE only server pool which is also very limited in the first place.
IF the restriction weren’t there, we could have had more PVE servers population.
You make a good point. The PvE-PvP transfer restriction has clearly had a negative effect on the PvE realm populations.
nobody plays world pvp, not an issue at all.
That is your opinion.
Curious, how do you think this would have stopped problems from happening? Are we putting most of this on Blizzard? Trying to fix the faction issue, could possibly introduce even worse problem. Things may sound great at the outset, but as the game gradually levels out, and people start to quit, leave etc - most of the same problems will invariably arise.
There is no way Blizzard could have won this - even had they don’t things “right” from the beginning. I’d like anyone to come up with a solution that would make everyone happy. I certainly can’t.
Based on what I saw in Classic the removal of the layering thing would have helped the most to retain servers choice for people (mega, large, medium, small, very small). The faction balance thing is more tricky honestly, but it remained pretty stable in Classic once transfers and new character creations got restricted. Before that things were going one-sided, that happened and we got good balance to the end of Classic.
There are people who agree with me and disagree with me on this but we never got to see the result in TBCC because it didn’t happen.
There are only really a few things that can be blamed: Blizzard for not acting until with a few dying servers late and no update in months, the player base for doing what is best for themselves, and the game itself and how it is played. The truth is probably some of all of those so I blame all of them.
Yeah and that’s been Blizzards standpoint and really has been for a long time. My problem is that first of all, the PVP servers NOW aren’t really PVP servers and say what you want about the ruleset. The people like myself who want one type of game, and a more authentic one to 2007, can’t really get it.
Thankfully a couple of options are left, but you really need to seek those out. Going with the crowd won’t lead you to them.
That’s probably true, but by doing nothing I’d say that there are even more unhappy people. Even if they were only unhappy because they felt they had to pay to keep playing the game on the current servers we have.
From what I understand you’ve been on Mankrik the whole time, so you haven’t really felt the brunt of all the issues or seen your server having problems (you’ve told me guilds are having issues due to attrition, which does suck). Also on a PVE server faction balance doesn’t matter as much. The interesting part is that the PVE servers now offer more server size choices and better faction balance for the most part.
Maybe I’m focusing too much on the phrasing, but I think preserving the integrity of the game should come before trying to make people happy.
In my mind, it’s hard to imagine that the non-competitive landscape that PvP servers are now was intended or an outcome that Blizzard was never concerned with. I think that’s what Blizzard needs to focus on.
I know that’s a little bit fluffy and not a solution, but I think it’s the correct way to frame the problem and address it.
if they made them all pve . no pvp name realms they be better off then us the user could just flag our self end problem … and realms would be more balance tbh
When you remove the spontaneity from the equation of PvP, it’s just not the same.
When you can pick and choose and prepare for you battles there is not the same element of exciting risk.
I would say without that risk–without those kind of high emotions–you really lose out on a lot of player interactions. You’re less likely to save or be saved by an Ally at the last second and develop some tie with that person, or to decide you have new rival b/c someone ganked you and stole a chest or something.
Also, PvE realms are really in the same state that PvP realms are. I don’t think the reasons for that are exactly the same, but I doubt making all realms PvE would even out imbalance or give people the experience they want.
Here’s a spoiler, no ones cared about world pvp since 2006 so get over it.