No Update, No Balance, No Care - See ya!


The argument is “no updates”, not “the updates didn’t change things in the way I wanted”.

If the roles were reversed and Paladins were OP instead of Shamans, the Alliance players would just be saying QQ more L2P.

It didn’t change anything for anyone, not opinion but fact. No one uses the rune before or after the update which took 1 minute to change a numerical value. I guess it works though if they can dupe people like you to make it appear something effective was done.


goodbye you’ll be missed (i’m lying)

Irrelevant to the complaint being made. Just because things didn’t change in way people wanted, doesn’t mean there was no patch notes or adjustments last week. The proof is right at the top of the page for everyone to see.

Nothing changed. No one touched the rune before or after the last second update. Feel bad for people like you and others that get tricked thinking this rune is now viable, take the rune and do less dps! Maybe they should buff it another 5% this week to satisfy your update quota, and another 5% the week after so we know they are consistently pushing updates!

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Seriously, “weekly balance changes” another Blizzard lie. Classic team has gone the way of the retail team with communication lately. Radio silence.

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Technically, the rune did change - it’s 15% stronger.

Irrelevant. Was there an update last week?

I made no such claim, now you’re projecting.

The promise was they push out weekly updates. Until today, they have delivered weekly updates, correct?

As a feral druid, the lack of balance changes just means other specs are as forgotten as us this week…

Bye, don’t let the door it ya…

Since your game is to act as pedantic as possible, last week we got hotfixes, but those were not considered a proper round of class tuning like we received on the 5th as per Blizzard’s wording.


see you in 11.0.

Yeah it’s obvious that they’re done with this phase. All we have are Aggrend tweets at this point.

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And that would be a fair point to bring up, so no quibble here.

Maybe I’m a frog sitting in a nice hot tub, but I’m having fun.


Oh no, not the random nobody! How will sod ever continue without him?

Im enjoying the game. No idea what you think is so wrong with it. Also, define balance. Every single person has a different idea of what balance is. We won’t miss you.

You are also a random nobody, in case you thought this comment had any value whatsoever.

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If we are being honest, SoD would be much better if all the crybaby kiddos quit and went back to retail. Just sayin.

i dont think so Tim