No Update, No Balance, No Care - See ya!

Look at the top of this forum.
See the first pinned thread? “Season of Discovery Hotfixes - March 12” ?

In what world is March 12 over two weeks ago?

To be fair, both Warhammer Online and Age of Conan were quite good.

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You can’t have it both ways.

Either the patch notes happened, and are insufficient, or you live in a different timeline where a week is only 3 days. Which is it?

As a shaman main, the game seems fine to me. :blush:


Very true, but normally they announce the hot fixes before they go live. Plus, we have no news of any hotfixes coming anytime soon. All we have are cata classic info coming soon.

That’s my point. SoD just seems to be on the backburner at the moment.


Not even upset at this point. There’s no shame in dropping SoD, especially with the poor balancing and making PvP completely one sided. DD2 releasing in two days, Stardew Valley just got a massive update not even three hours ago.

We’re eating good right now.


You try too hard just to look like a jackass lmao


Careful you gonna get hit by the auto ban if you get his gold lol.

Claiming patch notes are not released prior to maintenance is a fair criticism, though as long as they go up the same day - that to me is good enough.

Keep in mind, the SoD team is small and there is a lot of other content being pushed out for WoW right now. I’m willing to cut them some additional slack as they are obviously not doing nothing, even if it’s not the things I’d prefer.

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You keep talking about yourself, why?

Blizzards biggest fans.

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lol, no they won’t :expressionless:


Yeah, I feel like Blizz struck gold with SoD and they didn’t put enough people on the project. I feel like SoD is the best thing to happen to WoW since Legion. I KNOW they’re working hard. Just wish they could get more help in the SoD department. lol

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Since you’re so knowledgeable, how did you gain access to their head office? Can you give tours?

This is why Blizz doesn’t communicate with players. Bunch of entitled crybabies.

By the way, we’re two days into the week. There will be an update and balance changes.


Tbh I know what the devs are experiencing right now, this team are expected to handle sod , cata, and other classic servers while lacking manpower and each project tend to cannibalize priorities. I’ve experienced it first hand in my job, with the executive pushing everyone to work hard and deliver even with weekly reviews and meetings, the devs are probably getting overwhelmed right now. I won’t blame the devs entirely for the current state. Human being especially males are not suitable for handling multiple projects flawlessly. Unless blizzard HQ added more people to get involved I don’t think it’s possible.

I know we all paid subs for this game, being pretty much alpha/beta tester game mode we as community should probably work together for more enjoyable overall gameplay experience, less gatekeeping in both pve and pvp contents, being less toxic overall towards newcomers and bottom of tier specs. Not everyone have the luxury of time to spend more than 3 hrs a day playing this game, so might as well build a better community while coping for future improvements.

or maybe it’s posts like these:

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The steady shot “buff” did nothing, may as well not even of added it. The rune has been useless all phase and remains useless. No one uses it as it is completely undertuned and clips autos.

no, i heard RIFT is the next wow killer

Wow killed itself years ago. This is just a relic of the corpse.

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