No Unarmored Mounts in Classic?

What is there to say about sharding or layering that hasn’t already been said?

But as for unarmored mounts, I haven’t really seen many people mention them due to all of the other negative announcements made today, so that’s why I’m bringing them up.


No. They are only releasing the 1.12 version of items which would include mounts. They already explained why when talking about gear/weapons.

Technically they said they were releasing 1.12 versions of items, but using patch by patch vendor lists. Since unarmored mounts are actually not the same item and vendor lists are what changed, it would indicate that they would have unarmored mounts by the logic they provided.


Just here to say I would really like a way to get an unarmored epic mount.
The models are nice, they have great colors, and they were in vanilla.
I would like them to be available in classic in some way.


I have my entire classic leveling, profession, and racial choices based around the mere hope that I could get the ivory raptor I couldn’t get as a child. It would be such a joy to me if I could try and get that raptor again, even if I failed to get it the chance would be a real treasure. I would be able to do something I hadn’t the know how to do as a kid. I hope, sincerely that members of the Classic wow team read this and rethink their policy on one of the most iconic sources of prestige in the whole of the game.

Please give me the chance to play classic wow hard for a few months and achieve the Ivory Raptor.


Yet they’re using the pre-1.12 system with each race having its own riding skill, and the reason why they’re not including the unarmored mounts is so people don’t feel like they have to rush to get them.

It is the current vendor mounts for 1.12. We aren’t putting back the unarmored mounts. We just talked about this recently internally. We know some people are interested in them, but we don’t want to put them in for a limited period of time, because we didn’t want to influence people through their first leveling experience. Especially people coming back for the first time. We don’t want people to feel like they have to rush. If you want to level slowly and enjoy the journey, you should. That’s how I like to play–taking it slow, running every dungeon.

If the reasoning behind this decision was simply “we are implementing [X mechanic] as it was in 1.12” like they’ve done until now, I would fully understand even if slightly peeved, but this isn’t the case. The devs are making this decision to cater to the minority of players that would feel the need to rush to 60 in order to get those items, especially since those players didn’t ask to be catered to in the first place. They’re effectively telling those players that this isn’t how they’re meant to enjoy Classic. This reasoning reeks of “Blizzard knows best”. Give me a break. The players are capable of making their own choices. Just because we want the destination doesn’t mean we aren’t enjoying the journey.

Unarmored epic mounts are one of my main goals in Classic. Something limited that’s available with dedication and time spent without being ridiculously hard to get like R14 gear or the Black Qiraji Scarab.

Please reconsider your decision, Blizzard.


I mean they could always just leave them in permanently too. Maybe it won’t be exclusive, but at least it’s not just taking the option away entirely for something purely cosmetic.


I couldn’t agree more dude. If a player wants to get those mounts they should have the option to play the game in a way that allows them to get it. Its no different than setting aside time for hardcore raiding, or the Rank 14 grind in my eyes (albeit on a much reduced scale). I am 100% certain that I want to level a character in a fashion that allows me the chance to get the mounts. Some people wont be able to get them, I might not be able to get them, but I am ok with that risk because I want the hope of the reward.


No one said the wintersaber mount was removed aren’t we talking about the ones that are faction specific? I’d hope the wintersaber mount will still be there. I could’ve sworn that when they added the armored faction specific mounts the wintersaber one still existed and was obtainable, also the raptor in ungoro crater for the horde.

When it comes to the topic at hand I don’t see why Blizzard couldn’t add the unarmored mounts back for those who want them, it’s not like they’d have to remake the models or anything right?

The only time those mounts were available was in vanilla. It costs them virtually no resources to enable the items on the vendors and would make reasonable number of people happy. Yet somehow thats too much? I dont get it, I mean they could just have both types of mounts available the whole time if there worried about people rushing and just let people get the mounts they want.

Oddly enough this bugs me way more than what everyone else on the forums is upset about

If they were considered unfinished why do so many npc’s still use them?


It most definitely is only limited to the race-specific unarmored mounts, aka the ones that were only in the game pre-1.4. Ivory Raptor, Arctic Wolf, Teal Kodo, etc.

The winterspring saber is unarmored, but it isn’t the above, and I don’t see why it wouldn’t be in Classic. The raptor in Un’goro was added in Wrath of the Lich King and therefore won’t be in Classic.


Refer to 1.12 for why things are or are not

I would have powered to the mount for an unarmoured version, but realistically so would thousands of others making it’s cool factor minimal in Classic compared to Vanilla.


Just because other people would have it does not make it any less desirable cosmetically imo.


I have my entire classic leveling, profession, and racial choices based around the mere hope that I could get the ivory raptor I couldn’t get as a child. It would be such a joy to me if I could try and get that raptor again, even if I failed to get it the chance would be a real treasure.

Oh yeah, this is exactly why I want the unarmored mounts to be in Classic. The Ivory Raptor, for me, is a huge incentive to really work hard and sink my teeth into levelling, getting gold, and delving into my professions.

It’s not even that I expect the mounts to be rare. I know they won’t be rare, and I don’t really care all that much. I just think that the Ivory Raptor is quite a beautiful mount, and I’m sure many others could say the same about the White Stallion, the Nightsaber and Ancient Frostsaber, the Arctic Wolf, and so on. These mounts look so great and would be so very much worth it.


I mean, the few people who sink that amount of time in will jumpstart the servers economy, yeah? Mass farming mats onto the AH for gold. And people will want to raid, so people will be buying.


This news is super disappointing for me, I was making it my goal to push myself and get the gold for the mottled raptor. I know there was a chance it wasn’t going to happen but man I really wanted to do that.

If someone wants to grind for it let them smh, stop trying to control what players do in a game.


Please read the thread. This isn’t why we aren’t getting unarmored mounts.

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The thread reads: “It is the current vendor mounts for 1.12. We aren’t putting back the unarmored mounts. We just talked about this recently internally. We know some people are interested in them, but we don’t want to put them in for a limited period of time, because we didn’t want to influence people through their first leveling experience. Especially people coming back for the first time. We don’t want people to feel like they have to rush. If you want to level slowly and enjoy the journey, you should. That’s how I like to play–taking it slow, running every dungeon.”

It is hard to for me to not interpret that as Blizzard trying to decide whats fun for the players.


Yeah, that’s what Blizzard fails to understand. The reason that we’re wanting to get these unarmored mounts is because we are perfectly fine with rushing to 60 and trying to get gold. Hell, it’s not even like we will truly need to rush all that much. Starting from 1.1 on November 7th, we had a solid 5.5 months until 1.4 came out in April 19, 2005. That is plenty of time for someone to enjoy their levelling, get the gold, and buy the mount. And even if we expect phase 2 to start around the same time after launch that 1.3 came out in, that’s still a solid 4 months after launch to get a mount.

The argument that “Blizzard is trying to save players from what will ruin their playing experience by removing a big, juicy carrot at the end of the stick” reeks of bulls**t to me. Like, bloody hell, if they wanted players to not grind for ages, then why the hell do they still have the Rank 14 grind? Ultimately, that is the embodiment of what they claimed unarmored mounts were: influencing people to have to spend all of their time on things they probably won’t even consider to be fun after a while in order to get that ultimate carrot on the stick.

But they aren’t removing that, even though it’s a far more egregious case (Not to imply that it should be removed, it’s a core part of Vanilla). So why remove the unarmored mounts?