so the game is gona stay like it is rn? =S
hold on let me call my dad
its your dab-dad-dy , you get nerfed to the dirt tomorrow
Last round of tuning was Tuesday, no? I thought that they generally let things simmer for at least two weeks.
Its like week 2 of the season.
No one has full gear or conquest yet. Document whats really strong, but wait to see how the meta develops.
Current outliers look like warlock (all specs), boomy, sp, fire mage, sub rogue, enh shaman.
dying on the hill that glass cannon should be reduced to 50% damage / 10% damage taken
and that disc PI/DA should be 10%/8% in PvP respectively
@ me rm players
I’d put DH and MAYBE warrior for that. Mostly because of their mobility is nuts. Frost mage is kind of flying under the radar as well.
True. Edited for fire mage also.
Honorable mentions for stuff that is strong but has seen limited play are ele, fury, and all hunter specs.
Thought beginning of last season was weekly tuning for a while. Also thought they said in a blue post they were going to tune similarly frequently early this season as well
Tell him S3 Holy is what the kids are wanting.
Warriors burst and damage has quite literally been feral druided
We are just feral druids now thamnkems blezzard
Also mw needs throughput nerfs. Mw is everything you have been saying disc is as well.
You ranggggg?
so warlock still gods for more weeks? how can I pause my subs?
They usually do class tunings on Friday, so there was none for this week. Have to suffer another week (till Friday) to see if they have some tuning notes.
Busy making a dungeon or something.
Best bet is to come back in Wrath of the Shadowflight Crusade
What is with people and thinking that suffering for a month+ at the beginning of every season is something everyone should just be okay with?
They could nerf outliers now then buff them later if gear proves to change things significantly enough.
Sound like all the ret players who kept screeching to “let the meta settle before nerfing ret”
what would you like “tuned” sir?
Actually a pretty sick name.