No to cataclysm

We can’t miss you until you leave.

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Thry are shutting servers down. They arent wasting time on wrath servers.


I do wish cata players would stop being such naysayers. As if permanent wrath classic realms would affect them that much.

I don’t hate cata. But I hate wrath classic getting taken away. That is stupid.

If you think I’ve said nay to era servers, you are incorrect.
I have stated many times, I am neither for nor against. I won’t be using them, but if you get them great.

I see no reason people the need to announce their departure like an airline. Ask for what you want but threating to stop playing, cancel subscription, “go to a private server”, I am leaving and taking all of my 15 subs with me, or my entire guild is unsubbing, etc - no one cares.

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@Fevox I am super sorry bub. It does stink that progression leaves so much in its’ wake. There are a ton of us who feel the same, but will be moving into Cata as well. Come join us :slight_smile:

Yah I agree with that to. I remember asking for them. I probably won’t end up unsubbing over it. Although, I will admit. We tend to say some dumb things over anxiety and frustration. And with wrath classic going away soon, I have been pretty annoyed. I know I have stated I would quit to but I know I don’t really mean it 100 percent. We say stupid things when we are annoyed.

I mean, it ties back into game preservation to. I mean, I get it. 3rd parties exist who host wrath of the lich king. Just because blizzard is deleting wrath classic because it won’t make billions of dollars. That doesn’t make it right. But I will probably research private servers a little more if blizzard doesn’t do it. They just seem really complicated at the same time. You gotta download a torrent. You gotta do this. Gotta change realmlist in the notepad. Have to create some wierd account. It isn’t like you can just log in and click a few buttons and you are in the game.

I just hope they do it. Tensions are high with the people who are mad that wrath is being deleted to. I am downright broken because of it.

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They took TBC away too :slight_smile:

TBC had it’s time, it was great while it lasted.

There will be no separate Cata servers. All Wrath servers will transition to Cata.

Which is some voodoo bullcorn in my op. I think they should just have permanent wrath classic servers and cata classic servers. We should be able to do both if we want to.

WotLK had it’s time, it was great while it lasted.


You don’t have to buy new expansions in Retail. You still have to download them, but you’re cut off from the new zones until you pay up. The new talent trees are a feature you get even if you just play SL.

Yes you do? I don’t have access to DF and have to buy it (along with TWW now cause they updated it).

You can still play retail though. Aovona keeps implying that you can’t play retail at all without the newest expansion

Ah, ok. Yeah, I play retail myself and was confused. I don’t have access to DF content, but I definitely can play retail. Not sure why they would imply it.

I’ve seen them mention cata being more like retail that wrath, which tells me they probably don’t play retail?

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Y’all so dramatic lmao

You could play Season of Discovery… or Classic Era.

You can remain in whatever version you want of the Worlds before the current expansion. You can’t remain on old systems and you never could, except for playing on Era.

So a player starting right now, with nothing, could enable a subscription and be able to play all the way up to the end of Shadowlands with nothing more than the subscription. However the game systems will match what the Dragonflight players have.

You don’t need the latest expansion to play Retail, just an active subscription.

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No, you can continue to play SL. No one is forced to buy new expansions.

I think the real catch here is who would want to lol

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