No to cataclysm

Hello Dear Blizzard,

Through this channel, I would like to consult the following.

When the Cataclysm expansion is released, will there be realms that the Lich King expansion will be preserved for continued play?

This is because the classic reaches lich king, for which I am not interested in playing cataclysm or the following expansions. I have played on the official server again, only for this expansion. Now, if this expansion no longer exists, I will stop playing.

I look forward to your comments.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for a reponse. Sucks to be you. Can I have your stuffs?


Just grab an old Magic 8 Ball, you have a better chance of getting an answer from it.

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And when all you babies get bored you’ll be crying for Blizz to let you transfer your characters to the Cataclysm servers. Because “I did all this work leveling. If I have to start over on a Cata server I will quit”.


Can i have your stuff when you leave?

Cata is bis


no, me first

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No, they’ll progress to Cataclysm servers like how TBC servers progressed into WotLK.


Yep. Classic 1 to 60 fell, off even with the copy service even for tbcc.

Classic 1 to 60 only found relevance later on with….

Player made hardcore mod fad
Official hc servers, then with self found options.

Wrath 4eva 2 years from now….would need the above too would be a safe bet.


See you in Cata bud lol


Cheer up friend Fevox, you only have the opportunity to cry, live your grief and continue Cata with Varok legacy

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Can I have your stuffs?

Nope. When I uninstall Wrath era on 4/30 before pre-patch that will be that. I will not help Blizzard move realms to Cata in any way, shape or form. Thankfully at least we know the date to uninstall Wrath era.

So it goes.


Uninstall exists. Perhaps we’ll show you a VOD of how it works. Or not.

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Yes. There are quite a few big names making Wrath private servers as we speak. One really good one has already launched. Wrath is not lost. Blizz made the Classic servers for one reason and one reason only…to stop the success of all the private serers…but…then they announced they are closing the most poplar WoW expac ever just to relaunch retail WoW cuz thats all Cata is, retail WoW.

Like hey wanna do RBGs in Cata? You can in retail
Wanna do LFR in Cata? You can in retail
Wanna look at the world after the sundering and see what Deathwing did to it? You can in retail.
Wanna play with hunter focus? You can in retail
Wanna play with a goofy messed up talent system that the majority doesnt like? You can in retail

Want battlepets? Those were mostly a MoP thing, but they really began to advertise them in Cata…and you can in retail

You want to see Thrall gone from the Horde again? You can in retail.

You wanna fly out in open world? You can in retail.

Cata Classic is already far removed from the original Classic version that it was before.

I’ll keep playing Wrath. Thats that. Cuz they dont listen to us, do they?


Yes, please. I prefer to be matched with people around my general ranking. Why is this a bad thing?

Not really, but LFR wasn’t released until Dragon Soul, so we’ve got at least until 2025 before it becomes a problem.

Yes, please. I’ve already leveled about 15 characters in the Old World in the past year, something new would be nice. Besides, this only matters for new alts and new players.

Yes unironically. Anyone saying Hunter with Focus is different than the current builder-spender with Viper is being intellectually dishonest.

I don’t think you know what the talent system looks like in Cataclysm - it’s almost identical to Wrath, and COMPLETELY different than the Retail talent system.

That’s not Cataclysm.

Don’t we already fly literally everywhere in Wrath? What’s the difference?


So ill see you on the 4/29 and get all your stuff … because your not just being a big drama queen and will continue to play so thats really why you wont give me your stuff right? .

Show us you are serious give me your stuff and delete your characters


What is this nonsense? You’ve never played Cata/MoP/retail have you?


There’s also well established WotLK Pservers…

WotLK might be the most popular WoW expansion for Pservers but it’s not the most popular version of WoW.

What’s wrong with wanting to be group with people of similar skill? Are you against arena?

LFR is an introduction raid difficulty, designed for casuals who don’t have the time to raid.

Wanna look at the world before the sundering and see what Deathwing will change? You can in Classic Era.

And Hunter focus is bad how exactly? I played it in the beta and it plays nicely.

The talent system is fine, it’s the exact same with only like 2 changes.
Note that you said system.

Not a Cata thing though so this has no place here.

And you can fly in Outland and Northrend, it makes sense to bring that to the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.


You can do that in retail

I said they did not come in Cata but that they were changed in Cata and came in MOP.

I said it was a MOP thing. Never said it was a Cata thing.

I literally said exactly this about battlepets

So the fact that you have to try and twist my words and lie to get your point across means that you do not have a valid point. Look where I very clearly said that was a MOP feature.

How many times do I have to say this…

Stop making these threads, they aren’t doing it.