No Time Rift Loot

Encapsulated Destiny or not, I cannot receive loot from time rift bosses. Twice in a row; no loot. Postmaster never sent anything, either—absolutely nothing. Judging from the other players around mine voicing their complaints post-time-rift, they did not get loot either. Please fix this. I don’t particularly appreciate wasting Encapsulated Destiny.

Additionally, once the big boss is down, everyone is immediately booted from the instance, making it impossible to pick up any quest item.


Same thing here, but hey, at least Blizz is hard at work to get Mythic+ working and not the content they promoted for this patch. Hope this bites you in the rear.


yep it’s bugged. Done 4 of these now, the first one (LK) i didn’t get booted out, the second and third got booted out and then the last one now I didn’t and got loot.

Is pretty annoying that 4 hours is down and I only got rewarded for 2 of those :confused:

EDIT up to 5 and got booted with no rewards from that one as well. 3 no rewards and only 2 rewarded.


Can also confirm, I have done this on two characters now and gotten nothing. The instance for the boss lags so bad I can’t even cast. Everything is happening 30+ seconds after I push the buttons, and once the boss is down, we all get ejected.

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Just completed my 2nd rift. My first rift was on my Dracthyr alt, and they got the starting quest and all completions from start to finish. She got an agility trinket drop at the end, which was weird, but whatever. My hunter got the first 2 caches, and then received no credit for finishing the rift. And did not get any loot. Really hoping this isn’t weekly, or I’m gonna be pretty miffed if I missed out on a week’s progress due to a bug.

Yup. Totally bugged. I’m not getting anything. Didn’t get the Dilated Time Capsule from Encapsulated Destiny. Or however I was supposed to receive it. Did everything possible and no reward. I also entered a time rift at one point with around 50 other players and it was empty with no boss.


My hope is that they actually try to retroactively fix this by going back through the consumable log and find all the folks who used a loot item and restore it.

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This would be ideal!

Also happened to me on 2/3 of my Encapsulated Destiny uses. Buff got consumed but got nothing from the rift.

I wonder if it’s to do with the fact that the instances are well beyond overloaded, it takes 10 seconds to press a button and maybe there’s a participation requisite?

I have done about 6 time rifts so far and only got loot on 3 characters and all those 3 times my character got the achievement as well. It seems whoever get the achievement will get the loot.

If you are talking about When Time Needs Mending , it only works once per week.

Which is problematic, weekly it marked as cleared, but no Diluted Time Capsule, which from what Im reading was supposed to be a 100% drop rate.

The following time rift, popped an Encapsulated Destiny, and got no loot at the end either.

So either something is amiss or Blizzard decided this event doesn’t provide loot.


I was really high last night playing the rift event for the first time. Sometimes when I am really high I see things very clearly. What I saw was that unless Blizzard gives us a WoW 2, they are basically robbing you of your money.

Let me explain. Their engine just can’t do things that people today now expect. Oh, you want this cool event with 100+ people, ok! Ya, it’s unplayable for even the people with the 4k+ rigs. They are trying too hard to make something broken work, and I really feel like it’s a dishonest practice to take players money for a engine that ought to be retired.

If they are not already working on a WoW 2 god help them, this game is already on life support.


Another high-quality release from this small indie dev.

Nice catch-up loot system you added Blizzard, no loot, no weekly reward doodad to turn in for loot, and lag so bad I might as well be playing on dial-up in 2004.


I was only able to complete the rift once, because of time constraint. I also did not receive the Diluted Time Capsule from the weekly Contained Paracausality.


This also just happened to me at noon. Used the Encapsulated Destiny and got nothing at the end of the Rift.


Just happened to me today. Blizz dangles all these awesome rewards over our heads and expects people to grind this out, yet there is no sharding and people don’t receive loot 50%-75% of the time because it buggs out from SO many people. I was so happy to start grinding these out as soon as I saw all the cool rewards, now I’m pissed that they’re all there staring at me knowing that if I attempt to try and get them, ill probably just have my time wasted and not receive the rewards I worked for. I used an Encapsulated Destiny and it was just WASTED. So much for a “Guaranteed” reward. I think everyone that has this issue needs to contact blizz and demand their loot until they finally get enough requests that the work they have to put in to fix it outweighs the time they have to send people loot back out to them like a glorified Postmaster Letter. So SO stupid. I hate this game.

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Just adding my feedback. The Encapsulated guarantee is not working it seems. And also some of the mechanics of the final bosses are rough. On the Varian Wrynn encounter most of us couldn’t even click on the little zipline rope thing before the boss was killed.

Please take another look at this content.

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I ended up doing one early enough where it wasn’t a complete slide show.

Can confirm, at minimum, that the Diluted Capsules do drop from the bosses. I can’t say if it’s a 100% drop outside the weekly, but they do drop.

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Good to know. I didn’t receive mine from the weekly reward of Contained Paracausality, which is supposed to have a 100% chance of containing a Diluted Capsule.

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