No Sub = No forums

As is this account. I honestly thought it was a move to improve communication.
Any response to the idea of a single avatar for the forums to imorove feedback and hopefully player participation?

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Let’s not bring politics into this please.

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Sorry you cannot take criticism of your beloved game.

$15 a month is a pittance for many people and running old content once a week is enough to induce many pay that sub fee. And, yep, many such people hate BfA and talk about why.

You are totally free to not read critical topics. The key to living in an imaginary happy place where everything conforms to your point of view is to utterly shut yourself off from everything but a few simpatico sources of information that do not challenge you at all. So if that is what you want, you need to choose your reading topics “wisely.”


Hrm, so -currently- non-subbed players CAN post to GD?

That explains a lot actually.


That yak always made me so happy.

I have NOTHING against you critiquing the game however if your not part that game and your critiquing it the credibility of that critique is basically gone.


I’m sorry, this just isn’t accurate. Plenty of valid criticism comes from people who no longer play the game. If they haven’t played in a year or more, I would take their criticism with a grain of salt, but if they stopped within the last few months, what they have to say is still perfectly valid.

So as long as they can express their criticism calmly and with clarity, I’ve no problem with their presence personally.


A few months is a pretty long time for hotfixes. An issue that may have caused a person to leave the in past could have been already fixed since those few months.

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If the criticism were based on the issues such patches addressed, I would say this is a valid point – but even so, if that was what was being brought up, someone on the forums would just say, “Well, they fixed that.”

When the criticism is for the core design of the expansion, it remains valid for much longer.


14 years mate. If the game was a year old that argument might stand up, but 14 years. Many people have invested so much time and money into this, and currently are unhappy with the direction, or simply busy with irl. You need to define “part of” because this community is insanely big, with some members like myself pushing 20 years of commitment to the franchise.


well take a moment to nip some of these off topic ERP filled, off topic trash threads like The Great Draenei Thread! - #275 by Sanshunter-hyjal

Please don’t misrepresent threads you’ve got a grudge against just to try and get them deleted.


Well ya got to remember BFA is still in it’s relative infancy. I would wait for at LEAST the next raid tier to come out before crying the x pack is bad.

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Oh, really?
Can confirm, Am not subbed…
Also, Hi General Chat!


Look all I am saying is a critique tends to have more weight when the critiquer has a horse in the race.


That seems like an incredible alliance bias!

Like, we have ALL the horses.



Stop it, you!

The ability for unsubs to post now is not intended and will be fixed very soon.
Patience grasshopper.

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Yak definitely needs avatar back!

Non subs probably won’t be posting much longer, still obviously some bugs still attacking.

I still can’t access my armory unless I Google it. /sigh My other account has an armory option where I can go look at my armory, but not this main account. :confused: lol

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While I think Sub is a fun class (even with nerfs) I don’t think you should actively have to play Sub to participate in the Forums.