No Sub = No forums


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Iā€™m not subbed and Iā€™m replying. This seems to be a bug.

This is true. For example, my subscription ended a few days ago, and I canā€™t post here.


I think the point is moot. Per Twitter and Reddit.

Iā€™ve made a similar argument that we, in this forum, represent an active role in the game. Cannot stop people from posting elsewhere, but I think CMs, devs, who ever should be more active here as well. Especially with this tier of respect built into the forum.

It is my hope that those of us in the top tier, donā€™t really care if I am that prestigious, at least can have a dialogue with Blizzard.

But, just pipe dreaming here.

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isnā€™t it human nature to complain about things though? especially things we have no part in/arenā€™t part of?

also. ā€œI donā€™t existā€

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Youā€™re blowing my mind right now.

Itā€™s so sad not seeing the Baby Yak in his true natural form, not to mention the other Blues. The closest we can get is the ox emoji :ox:, but it just isnā€™t the same
Itā€™s been the only consistent irritation that has been bothering me once I got acclimated to this new forum environment.

But I do like that we can now upvote/like Blue posts directly, so hopefully that is intended and will remain.

/moo :cow:

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I disagree. Perhaps hearing from unsubscribed players could provide an idea of how to get their $14.99 back.
Or, obviously having a sub makes your posts professional, courteous, worthwhile, and informativeā€¦ Oh waitā€¦


Lol I was gonna say that even on the old forums itā€™s not like many people were super constructive and helpful.

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Couldnā€™t agree more.

I like the way you think. Have some love. Lol

Looks like Iā€™ll be using that free level boost so I can get some forum cred. Rofl

i kinda understand it. people donā€™t usually pay 15$ to post on a forum. so that weeds out a bunch of people who have no desire for the game to progress, or just to make bunches of accounts to troll. but there are always people who will slip in, mostly unawares that do care about the game, yet also become victimized because of those who donā€™t care about anything but their wow fix.

How did you make this post then ?:crazy_face:

I also donā€™t think the blues, devs, etc get enough credit with what they have to deal with.

How would you like to have vitriol and vile spat at you 24/7?

No wonder they donā€™t post often.

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prayer, lots of prayer.

no yak avatar, unsubbing

What will General Discussion do without me?!

Just know I will be lurking in the shadows when they fix this my darlings :kissing_heart:


But itā€™s the opposite of what you said in your original post. You said that when people unsub, which equals ā€œcancel future paymentsā€, they should lose all game privileges and forfeit that gametime. You should edit at the bottom of your post to clarify what you meant, or just edit the entire post.

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never say never! or will ever!

Thought there was a bug discovered when the forums launched that allowed non-subbed people (or those claiming at least not to be subbed) to be able to post. I personally havenā€™t tried it on a lapsed account I have, but I just might try it when I get home.