No, SoO AotC Mount Is Probably Not Going To End Up On The Trading Post

Lets take a look at the reasons why the SoO mount won’t end up on the Trading Post.

  1. Trading Post items usually have a placeholder of 999 tendies, Reins of the Kor’kron War Wolf is listed as 7899.

Where would this mount likely re-appear? The Answer is 10.2.7 Pandamonium Timerunning! Why is that?

  1. Garrosh Heirlooms from SoO had database changes in 10.2 PTR.
  2. Unlike other AotC mounts the SoO mount required you to kill Garrosh on NORMAL difficulty or higher. (EDIT: turns out normal later became Heroic, sorry I didn’t play MoP or WoD)
  3. SoO is very likely to be our next timewalking raid.

In all likelihood this will be a reward for killing Garrosh in SoO Timewalking (much like Warglaives of Azzinoth transmog was for Black Temple) as well as the Garrosh Heirlooms dropping from SoO Timewalking.

So no, I do not believe this AotC mount or any other will be coming to the trading post at all.

EDIT: I was right!!!


I think you are correct, nor would I want it to.


AoTC mounts on the TP :x:
AoTC mounts from timewalking :white_check_mark:


Only if WoD onwards have a Heroic Timewalking difficulty for them.


I am so on board to relive some trauma. Timewalking needs love, and lots of it.


Imo, it’s really messed up if they bring it back for doing the same raid people did in MoP (SoO) in current wow, yet you can go do mage tower (same content as in Legion) but not get the same reward as people did in Legion.

Either bring it all back or none at all.


Even if it was trading post if they posted it for 7k+ I can’t see it being bought by more then 100 people if that. That said I agree its more likely to be the timerunning thing, not only because it fits the the timeframe but it also acts as a hype multiplier going into what should start the ww news cycle with talents being annouced and alpha beta news coming out. Announcing they are going to start bringing back old stuff as rewards is good news for players who quit but might come back.

What if this upcoming Pandamonium thing is the next Mage Tower, upped in difficulty worthy of earning the mount? That could be fun.


As someone with more than half of the mage tower appearances, ya they should come back, the Mage Tower is harder now than it was in Legion.


This wouldn’t be the first time that the forums got lit on fire because of presumptuous data mining and it likely won’t be the last.


Just give people recolors that weren’t previously done of the mage tower weapons. If people still complain about it even with that I have to wonder if it’s actually for the prestige for people or just knowing that some cool appearances are forever out of reach for people that want them.

i got 90% of the mage tower skins and im all for bringing them back but lets not stop there. lets bring back the mage towers exactly how easy it was to do back in legion. half of the skins i got were on specs i never played so i just over geared it and 2 shot it. its actually more effort to do them now than it was in legion. but lets also bring back the challenge mode skins

Bro who cares? The achievement is like several years old and it’s a ground mount that doesn’t even look that impressive lol.

I care, just add a few lines of color and make it slightly different

It should be important context that at the time the achievement was created and implemented, normal difficulty was equivalent to heroic difficulty in todays raiding tier structures.

With the release of SoO, Blizzard implemented the first ever “Flex” raiding. In doing so, they set the ilvl to be less than normal but higher than LFR, creating 4 tiers, LFR → Flex-> Normal-> Herioc. Both Normal and Herioc were set to 10 or 25 players only, and flex was the only option for “flexible” number of raiders. In WoD, they change the naming structure, to match todays, LFR, normal, heroic, and Mythic names.

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the thing that you are missing here is that NORMAL in Mists of Pandaria is equal to modern day HEROIC raids.

So if you cleared Heroic Siege of Orgrimmar, you got “CUTTING EDGE GARROSH HELLSCREAM”

If you cleared Normal Siege of Orgrimmar, you got “Ahead of the Curve.”

Mythic raid difficulty was not introduced until Warlord of Draenor pre-patch.

oh look, someone beat me to it…

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Nah. SoO was the first raid with mythic difficulty. You got that mount from normal.

no actually it wasn’t.

When Siege of Orgrimmar was released it had the following difficulties:

  1. LFR
  2. Flex raid
  3. Normal
  4. Heroic

Siege of Orgrimmar’s raid difficulties changed names on the pre-patch of WoD (after Cutting Edge and Ahead of the Curve were already unobtainable).

Heroic = Mythic
Normal = Heroic
Flex Raid = Normal

So during MOP, there were no mythic raids… The WoD pre-patch is WoD.

So. SoO was the first raid with mythic right?
And yes, you got the mount from clearing normal, which is why I have the mount while only having aotc for SoO.

No, not really.

Siege of Orgrimmar as a tier was already completed and over by the time that heroic SoO received the name change from heroic to mythic.

heroic gave you cutting edge in Siege
normal gave you ahead of the curve in Siege

By the time Mythic Siege was implemented, Siege of Orgrimmar was already legacy content (IE: AOTC and Cutting Edge were no longer obtainable).

The first raid to have mythic difficulty was Highmaul

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