Hiding my posts really is kinda pointless when you respond to me anyway. But I appreciate it nonetheless. Keep up those parses and stop clipping those shots.
Just wait until the add character boosts to TBC and same faction BGs…then it will really be retail!
No you wanted it because you had long queue times. Obviously alliance would queue because you would eventually get in one. You wanted same faction BG, you did not need them.
Yes, don’t take anything I say seriously, especially true coming from the guy who assumed I worked for Blizzard because I gave some advice to another player. Same guy who puts me on ignore but continues to respond to me and deleted half his posts to me after I showed him how foolish his responses to me were for saying that.
I don’t think you have to be a mathematician for this one. Adding features or things that are not honorable to TBC design = less faithful.
I was not happy they added FvF either. Horde should have had to sleep in the bed they made for themselves. Fact is, though, there was a big issue for the PvPers there where queue times were atrociously bad compared to Alliance. Despite the fact they did it to themselves, we’re here today and fixing it by having them all reroll either wouldn’t feasibly happen or definitely wouldn’t happen in a short time frame. So Blizz made the call. What’s your point on this one?
There is no such similar urgency to address a lack of dual spec.
No, are you? Since you seem to think that because you decide to just instantly log when not actively in a raid everybody must be doing it, right?
The game is an RPG.
Your choices matter. To change your specialization you have to go back to a trainer, who actually trained you every single ability you have learned.
I could go on but you can also go to retail and have all the specs you want.
It doesn’t enhance only druid gameplay, it can only enhance druid gameplay. It makes the game so much better for druids. By referring to yourself as “the actual druid” you implied that yours is the only druid opinion that matters. I am still waiting on how dual spec makes your gaming experience so much worse.
No, I am not, because in context the situation was referring to a circumstance where I could be forced to play a spec that I do not want to play in raids. So I am the druid in that circumstance that is put under said pressure.
I never said all druids are put in this position, but I am (and by extension, any druids who are similar to me in my tastes/goals/objectives/preferences).
It makes the game less like the game that was advertised to me, that I am expecting for my money.
All I expect is what they promised, a “faithful recreation”.
I am a druid, I am also the one who pays for my subscription and choose what happens with my character. Letting someone else control how you play your character is what destroys the game.