So again your argument is because other changes where made which the players tolerate, we should make more changes…
The irony is lost on you, got it.
I love the argument they’re making is that a few entitled Retail players want convenience features added…as if that’s a good argument. LOL.
Well, guess what, the TBC devs didn’t want it. They explicitly said that. And…that’s the end of the discussion.
I won’t fight for it but if it was there I’d use it.
Did you bump a Dual Spec thread to tell people it was the end of the discussion.
See, I thought it was the end too, but you bumped it to the top.
Thanks for doing that. This ensures the discussion continues.
Well… if it were there, your raid lead would make you use it.
And they’d probably make you use the two specs that they want (for example, an Affli or Destro spec and a soul link spec for tanking Leo in SSC).
So you’d still be at the same position as you are now, just with two specs for raids instead of one.
I’ve stated that if we had to have dual spec a compromise would be to put an hour or so cooldown on it. Otherwise you respec like normal
aside from that I am already the team player type to run what helps everyone succeed best so that’s another reason I am blasé’ about the debate (and I play hybrids a lot, hah)
Did the TBC devs want same faction battlegrounds? I’m not going to waste my time typing out all the other changes.
The discussion isn’t over until the current devs say it’s over.
Did the devs want the boost/shop mount? 'Cause those two were bad. Dual spec would be a positive and net gain, and one of many changes already made to the game.
Are you kidding? No, they didn’t want it. Ever seen Kevin Jordan’s reaction when they announced the boost? Talk about a facepalm.
But you know why Blizz added it? Because they can charge players $$$ for them. That’s why. It certainly wasn’t for the betterment of the game.
And you saying dual spec is a positive is of course 1. Completely subjective and 2. Utterly irrelevant. 2021 Blizz said they want to honor the design philosophy of TBC. People have quoted Blue posts from 2007 that make it abundantly clear the devs didn’t want to make changing specs any easier. So, again, people try to change the subject, move the goal posts, or throw whatever Hail Mary they can…but at the end of the day dual spec won’t be added to TBCC.
we should start calling it retro retail then because TBCC is nothing like the original…enjoy seal of blood or whatever they called it for alliance…
Horde versus Horde battlegrounds.
say it louder for the ones in the back lol
Except where it can make money, or, “fix” a problem.
Patch 2.4.3 on release.
Paladins Seals for both factions.
Druid Powershifting.
Etc, etc, etc…
So because changes were already made we should just accept all other changes?
No, it’s that there are already changes in the game in an attempt to, “fix” certain design trends of TBC - so another change that does change the design of TBC, but significantly improves it for nearly everyone, isn’t unheard of or a necessarily bad thing.
Does the change go against the design goals put out by the game designers of tbc?
Who knows? They still had some form of hybrid tax/support class mindset, but it wasn’t as prevalent as vanilla and it was about taking at least one of every class for what they bring.
Given that we launched with the late-TBC change that gave 33% SP for every HP, which makes healers significantly better for soloing, it’s not against Blizzard’s designs now.
I mean, we have a quote from them saying “no” to dual spec for tbc from them back then.