You speak for yourself. If you don’t like dual spec, don’t use it.
Why not change that up a little bit to:
If you don’t like TBC the way it is, don’t play it.
I hear they are more durable purely because they have very thick skulls.
“If you don’t lokenit don’t use it”
And world buffs were “optional” as well right?
And, in honor of your name,
It’s still called Classic, not Classic +
Again, enjoy your dual spec an approx. 1.5 years. Oh, and start campaigning for multi spec. I doubt you folks will be satisfied with only two to choose from.
The second Wrath launches these people will 100% be asking for tri-spec, or some item they can buy that lets them reset talents any time, anywhere. Because there is NO appeasing the entitlement of these types of players. That is the biggest lesson WoW has ever taught.
I don’t even log into WoW anymore.
You’re just another anti-Classic poster trying to keep the game down.
Because there is NO appeasing the entitlement
Once they push a door open they now want to push every door open.
Actually we do want it, but thanks for playing.
Actually, we don’t want people who want to destroy the game with so called QoL changes. Thank YOU for playing and leave the classic universe.
If you can’t farm gold, its not because of your talents, you’re actually just bad.
Everyone can farm in any spec. It’s just not fun to do it in certain specs, especially in raid tank and heal specs. I like to heal but farming in a resto druid spec isn’t fun at all. So I won’t heal with my druid. I’ll play her in a dps spec. I did the same thing in original BC. I didn’t heal with my druid until wrath added dual spec. I play for fun so why would I choose to heal when only dungeons and raids are fun in a resto spec? There is a healer shortage on my server and I like to heal but I won’t pay 100g every time I do a dungeon run.
There are a lot of people making that same choice, choosing a dps spec when if there was dual spec they’d tank or heal sometimes. It wouldn’t “solve” the tank and healer shortage but it would lessen wait times.
we don’t want people who want
No one cares what you want. All people care about is what the people who run the game want. And blizzard wants the largest number of subs it can possible get.
And world buffs were “optional” as well right?
Yes they were. There were many casual guilds that didn’t stack world buffs.
And yet it was very heavily encouraged. Especially for the guilds doing naxx.
When a raid will pass on you to take someone who did get world buffs, it’s essentially mandatory.
The inconvenience of changing talents is by design.
It was a bad design and blizzard and most of the players realized it by the end of vanilla. While we were complaining about it in BC the devs were already working on changing it. They didn’t realize it at the end of BC and create dual spec two weeks before wrath was released. Just like the hunter dead zone was bad design. If it was easy to create dual spec as it was to eliminate the dead zone we would have had the change in BC.
yet it was very heavily encouraged.
Some players are capable of saying no or joining a less hard core guild and some players have no spine and let their evil guild leader force them to get wb. Again there were many guilds that never stacked world buffs. Apparently you think the game should be design to protect the spineless from their evil guild leaders.
It’s the same with the drum nerf. I didn’t need it because my guild, and most guilds, would not have required all raiders to take LW. It was changed for the small number of hard core guilds. I don’t think “please protect me from my evil guild leader because I can’t say no,” is a good reason for anything. I also didn’t care they added it because it didn’t affect me either way at all.
Everyone can farm in any spec
Yes, professions don’t require talents.
There is a healer shortage on my server
Sounds like your server issue. Mankrik has no such issue. We are missing tanks though.
There are a lot of people making that same choice, choosing a dps spec when if there was dual spec they’d tank or heal sometimes.
Most dps will choose a pvp spec over a tank/heal. You have 3 classes that can go tank, and 4 (2 of which can go tank) can go healer, out of 9 classes. 8/27 specs can go not dps. You also need more healers than tanks, so Druids and Paladins would more than likely go resto or holy if given a second chance, but even then, most won’t.
How do we know this? Is this just me making some wild assumption? No. We saw this in Lich King. Anyone who even thinks that dual spec will solve players not wanting to do damage is just coping, and anyone that’s not a Paladin or Mage claiming that they need dual spec to farm is just bad. Professions do not require talents. You’re resto? Cool, go fish, or cook, or mine, or herb, or make bags, or sell enchants, or sell gems, or sell potions, or sell elixirs, or sell transmutes. Your Druid being resto does not stop you from doing any of those.
anyone that’s not a Paladin or Mage claiming that they need dual spec to farm is just bad.
Fun is subjective. Apparently you think everyone should have fun the exact same way you do. It’s kinda amusing that someone as self centered as you chose to call themselves empathy. I can only guess you meant it as some sort of ironic joke.