No RP realms -> Plans for Grobb-mob?

There is no RP-PvP realm from what they have announced.

I guess the Grobbulus community will be going on the PvP mega-realm?

Is there a reddit or discord chatter from the Grob-mob discussing this?

Grobb mob is dead and done IMO— I say this very lovingly. I was Day 1 Grobb in 2019, played there til the end, and still play on Grobb Era today with Legacy (with many other day 1 grobb kin there!)

However I wouldn’t call us Grobb mob per se. I feel the scene and community died when folks went through the Dark Portal.

Grobbulus eventually became a mega server sometime in TBC or Wrath (so I hear, I didn’t play) with people trying to chase what they heard about the unique community from 2019-2021 Grobbulus.

And then to make it worse, when we had a shot with SoD to get the band back together, the streamers decided they would pre designate the sole RP server as the streamer server, bringing their anti-RP hoards with them, all to try to get some magic that Grobbulus had. As a result it fractured the RP community.

You had people who wanted nothing to do with a streamer server (lool because it eventually gets the RP designation REMOVED!) and they went on to Chaos Bolt. Then you had some of the guilds stay on Crusader Strike anyways. There was no real chance to rebuilt what we had.

f I’m being honest, even if the streamers didn’t exist, think the idea of 2019-2021 Grobbulus is long gone. It’s not something we can just recreate. It’s sort of like one of those old band reunions where it’s fun to see them play their hits but it just doesn’t feel the same. It certainly wasn’t ever going to feel the same with streamers leading it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — the next Grobbulus won’t be labeled as such. It will happen organically, and at the point that people start to label whatever server as the next Grobbulus, it will be too late.

Last thing — I agree. Please give folks an RP server. I’ll be staying in Era anyways, so no horse in this race. But it makes me extremely sad as a lifelong RP server goer, to see them kill off the RP variants. Big sad.