No Respect for the Night Elf Race in General

Bound to Sylvanas.

Dude i m tired of seeying these entitled crybabies flooding this forum with posts saying that night elves are opressed.

The forsaken managed to lose MORE than they did and I don t see them making post after post trying to make people feel sorry for them.

Story wise? The night elves got more closure than the draenei did in Warlords, and the draenei players/fans weren’t nearly as upset. At least you aren’t forced to have Tyrande stand next to Sylvanas shouting “AZEROTH IS FREE!!!” after killing N’Zoth . . .

*Crosses fingers and prays to Norgannon the leaks aren’t true about Shadowlands & Sylvanas being the hero . . .

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That’s NOT what he said, and you know it. He said that she was consumed by vengeance. That WAS after all, the whole point of her Ascendance… to become Vengeance Incarnate.

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I’m tired of it too, but at the end of the day Blizzard is the real enemy here and ultimately they’re the ones that win by making us tear into each other like this. (I know given my post record I’m not the best one to be saying this, but there is still truth to it.)

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Necromancy cannot create free-wileld Forsaken. They were doomed from the start, until Sylvanas bound the the Val’kyr, which have since then been dropping like flies. And now that Sylvanas has left, she’s presumably taken them with her as they were bound to her and not the Forsaken as a people.

I’m just saying that wanting revenge, especially if revenge involves a racial fantasy being militant force that cuts a bloody swathe through the enemy faction is very much a Monkey’s paw sort of wish. Just look at what happens every time the Horde or a rogue Alliance commander gets to do that.

I know what I said may not be right. But not having Tyrande show up and actually be part of the Alliance Faction while in the War Campaign Story is just insulting. Its the same insult as not bringing in Tyrande and Malfurian into Nazjatar.

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That’s too bad.

Hopefully some plot waving through Azerite or something can occur, so that characters like Helcular - or the apothecaries, if they want a theme other than blight - could get to it.

I do wish there was some new Cult of the Damned style group, because I always thought that one of the coolest themes of the Forsaken was the idea that one’s own troops might join them - I just wanted a bit more story about why those people chose to join.

I was typing up a long sarcastic reply about all the closure we got for the whole War of Thorns, but really it’s Blizzard that should be the target, not you.

Yes, it is a monkey’s paw, and the Horde certainly didn’t get a fun story, but it’s just a different variety of a monkey’s paw on this side, too.

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They’re committed towards regaining the Night Elf homeland. It would be irresponsible for them to abandon that task to play a chase game involving a Horde fleet. (Remember that no one at the time knew they were going to wind up at the bottom of the ocean, and technically speaking only the Speaker and the Champion had the means to enter and exit Nazjatar safely thanks to their connections to the Heart of Azeroth.)

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And I’m still cautiously hopeful that pays off at some point (and not that she becomes an 8.3 raid boss, >< ).

I’ve said in other threads, if it’s in fact true that “…Sylvanas failed to kill hope etc” like how Saurfang claims as players we should see the results of it in how the Kaldorei (and all races of Azeroth for that matter) have prevailed.

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And there are just as many threads where Horde are venting their grievances too.


To be fair, if you didn’t see this coming, then you’ve been asleep since 2004.

The Night Elves haven’t been proper Night Elves since WCIII.

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Nope not really since Night Elves back in 2004 were bit proper night elves but slowly getting there throughout the Expansions. It was BFA that actually ruined them.

The Night Elves in WCIII were far more xenophobic, matriarchal, and violent than the Night Elves we got at WoW launch. They added a ton of Tolkien-sauce to mellow them out and make them a much more palatable generic elf folk which was a better fit for the Alliance.


Wasnt it wc3 that changed them from that militaristic xenophobic culture to being more open? Archimonds assault on hyjal brought every race to the aid of the nightelves. As a matter of fact, they put themselves between the night elves and the super burning scourge legion knowing full well they would be decimated all to buy the nights elves time.

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