Hi there folks! Gloombolts here from Stormrage - Alliance.
Our guild is growing and we had our first week of raiding last week.
is a group of guild mates who’ve come together far and wide from other servers horde and alliance. We would classify ourselves as Semi Hardcore with a laid back atmosphere. We are building four raid teams right now. Two of them are almost completely full. We are seeking the following below:
No Raid Funs - 25 man Raid Team - Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7 pm to 10 pm Server/EST - This group did there first raid last week. 11/12 in Normal Ny’alotha.
This group will be pushing for Heroic 12/12.
This group is currently seeking:
A balance druid and a destruction warlock.
Bench Warmers - 25 man Raid Team - Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays 830 pm to 11:30 pm Server/EST - This group did there first raid last week. 8/12 Heroic Ny’alotha. - This team will be pushing for Mythic Progression soon!
This group is currently seeking:
A beast master or marksman Hunter and a Warlock - Affliction or Destruction.
Complexity is a Hardcore 20 Flex Man - Eventually going to become a Mythic Progression 20 man - They will be raiding on Thursdays and Fridays from 7 pm to 10 pm Server/EST - This group is still building but is raiding right now with other guild mates helping them to progress.
This group is currently seeking:
Restoration Shaman
Holy Priest
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
Destruction Or Affliction Warlock
Balance Druid
Marksman or Beast Master Hunter
Fire or Frost Mage
Assassination or Outlaw Rogue
Frost or Unholy Death Knight
Fury or Arms Warrior
Survival Hunter
Misdemeanors is a Hardcore 20 Flex Man - Eventually going to become a Mythic Progression 20 man - They will be raiding on Wednesdays and Thursdays - 9 pm to Midnight Server/EST - This group is still building but is raiding right now with other guild mates helping out to progress.
This group is currently seeking:
Restoration Shaman
Discipline Priest
Restoration Druid
Destruction or Affliction Warlock
Balance Druid
Shadow Priest
Another Destruction or Affliction Warlock
Outside of Raiding we are building up our Mythic Plus Teams!
This is for Tanks and Healers who just don’t have the time to raid or don’t want to raid. If this is you and you enjoy just pushing keys! We would love to welcome you into our Mythic Plus Tanks/Healers ranks.
We want 10 teams and 1 of them is setup now.
Currently we are seeking
A Brew Master Monk
2 Protection Paladins
2 Protection Warriors
2 Vengeance Demon Hunters
2 Blood Death Knights
2 Holy Paladins
2 Restoration Druids
2 Holy Priests
2 Restoration Shamans
2 Mist Weaver Monks
2 Discipline Priests
We have plenty of hungry key pushing DPS in guild that will be in discord and ready to down the content you are seeking to accomplish.
Eventually we plan on having a PVP Officer, leading Guild Premade BGs and setting up Arena teams for guild mates who desire such brutal PVP.
We setup essence catch up raids every weekend. T - Mog Guild runs and Guild Achievement Runs are coming down the road.
In Shadowlands we plan on having six raid teams and twelve mythic plus groups. Where the MT and OT tanks/healers from raids can relax and don’t have to Mythic plus so much. While the Mythic Plus Tanks and Healers can get their fill, in pushing keys.
Our guild currently has 66 raiders and we are seeking 24 more to join our ranks.
We’ve had horde and alliance in 12/12 Mythic and 12/12 Heroic guilds join our community. We have also gotten two groups of people that have been playing together for a long time. Join our guild. Splitting themselves up between our raid groups.
Everyone here are veterans to WoW. Everyone is helpful. Are you looking for a raiding guild but also a classic WoW and Burning Crusade community feel to it? We are it for you! We want you to have fun! Without the toxic, elite, yelling nonsense!
Plans to be a guild that you want to be in. Downing content that you want to down. At the difficulty you wish!
We do not tolerate racism, sexism, toxic screaming and yelling, immaturity. But please don’t confuse that. We want you to be yourself here. Tell jokes. Have a good time! Make friends and have a great time here!
For more info you can add my discord and battle tag for more information!
Venris#3529 - Discord
Rhyan#11764 - Battle Tag
Also if you have friends that are coming with you. If our guild peaks your interest. As you can see above we have plenty of raid spots left to fill and will be making two more raid groups down the road!
Do you have a ton of alts you want to store away in a new guild?
We have an alt guild as well so hit us up and will put all you addicted alt levelers in there!
Thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing from you!