No Redeemed Souls when switching covenants

When I switched covenants from Bastion to Maldraxxus, the switching quest was supposed to give me 5 Redeemed Souls as a reward. I’ve completed the questline up to "collect 1000 anima) and I never received my Redeemed Souls, so I can’t build anything.


Exact same situation. I switched from Night Fae to Kyrian and am unable to access any new quests for redeemed souls and did not get any when i switched.


Also an issue for me, has locked me out of progressing my covenant. Can’t do soulbinds, etc.


I’m having the exact same issue, can’t progress my covenant due to lost redeemed souls when I switched.


I accidentally chose Necro and then swapped to Venthyr after doing a couple of the quests, then progressed somewhat through Venthyr, but missed certain quests. I’m on the quest for sanctum upgrade, but never got the quest to get the souls.


I am having a similar issue for an alt character. I never received the souls when I selected the option to skip the basics of the covenant tutorial (because I had already done it on my main)


they need to Fix this asap i swap covanets and now BAM stuck cant do anything. this is awful/ THEY NEED to add a way to get a redeemed soul


Have submitted a ticket for this, hopefully CS can help. Being stuck unable to play my main character in Shadowlands is pretty unfun.


Same boat.

Seems to be happening to literally everyone who switches.


Same problem here.


Also encountering this issue. Swapped from necro to Kyrian. Turned in “Into the Reservoir”. The next quest available is “Enhancing the Hold”. Unable to start at “A Unique Opportunity” which sends me down to the maw and collect the five souls.


Same! Please fix asap, this is game breaking


Got the same issue. The interesting thing is, when I switched my Covenant back in Oribos, Bolvar gave me the quest “Return to Draka” which would have rewarded me with the 5 souls. However, upon arrival, the game just skipped through the quest, without rewarding me the souls. Additionally, the first step in the Necrolord campaign is not marked as completed:

I opened a ticket, which got automatically closed, because “Gamemasters do not help when stuck with quests” - I reopened it, and I hope that they are going to read it this time, instead of just autoclosing it.


They just responded to my ticket, saying loss of currency is intended (ok whatever), but “some” currencies are only rewarded from weekly quests and you have to wait for the weekly reset to progress
He also linked

Sounds like we are SOL til next week… assuming we are eligible to pick up the weekly quest for redeemed souls

Has anyone gotten that quest yet? Is it even available this week and is there a story requirement? I didn’t see it in my previous sanctum so I’m not sure why I should expect to see it in the new one

It’s still not totally clear if redeemed souls are part of this “intended” behavior, considering some people are saying that they were supposed to get some souls from a quest after swapping, but didn’t get any, and neither my ticket response nor the link specifies “redeemed souls”

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I know for a fact that the quest I picked up in Oribos displayed them as a reward. It’s possible that that’s a display bug, but that would be inconsistent with what we’ve been told about switching covenants, which is that the first time you switch to a covenant it should be relatively straightforward to catch up to where you were in the previous one. If you’re intended to start with zero souls, it’s not only not straightforward, it’s impossible.

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Well they’ve updated the link to include Redeemed Souls, I don’t think there’s any chance of them restoring them for us at this point

I’m still curious about the weekly quest we’re supposed to be able to get. If we can get it this week, at least we won’t fall behind, but I can’t find any information on when/how that becomes available, and I didn’t see it in my first covenant sanctum… if it’s locked behind a certain renown level, then we’re totally screwed

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i got a similar message saying I need to wait for the weekly reset but its kind of hard to do a weekly you do not have access too.

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But why did we / I get the quest that rewards 5 souls and then the quest just randomly disappeared. Does not seem intentional. I have the feeling they don’t really know themselves. :slight_smile:


Seems like there has been a hotfix, I went to my Covenant Upgrade guy and had the 5 souls

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I also lost my souls - Went NF first day and swapped Venthyr and now im stuck