No PTR for 10.2.6

mixed feelings on this. I like the surprise to the community it’ll bring…

But, man… is this ever going to break the game.

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what difference does it make…they dont actually listen anyway.


Well, at least recently PTR hasn’t prevented event breaking bugs from reaching live…so I doubt this will be any different


Is there a date for the .6 patch? I’m ready for pirates, no pirates, whatever it may be.


No. Not an exact date. Only that it is coming in March

It makes it easier to brace for disappointment.


March. Given the placement on the roadmap, it’ll be the first half of March.

Same broken let down inc

its not like the ptr has any value anyway when it comes to what its suppose to be for. all problems go live anyway

Given what the GD comes up with, can you blame them?.

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I’m honestly surprised to see so much Copium again after being disappointed by WoW yet again for the nth time with the recent patch. :sweat_smile:

lol you’re not wrong. I did PTR to report issues and they would make their way into the live game.

It’s like, “what’s the point if they don’t fix the stuff!”

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I just hope it’s actually interesting and fun and not some lame hype attempt with hollow content

literally means nothing. But it’s nice to know there are still people who are tricked into thinking Blizzard doesn’t put PTR feedback and bug reports in the garbage bin.
The only value PTR brings is when ppl can start practicing raids and dungeons so they can be toxic to people on live who weren’t on PTR to practice :man_shrugging:t5:


PTR has its own pro’s and con’s to it. Roses don’t always smell as sweet.

Considering the reclamation of gilneas was also encrypted and hidden from PTR having us all think is was going to be this big event, when all it was, was a 5 minute questline and no actual changes to gilneas, not even a flight path to there, I don’t have hope.


Dang… well hopefully in a few weeks we will get a teaser for it.

I imagine since it’s not being PTR tested, it’s this patch is going to be based around a side faction with a world event or quest hub with a few dailies. Something that can’t break that badly.

Part of me wishes it would be Brawler guild, but with a pirate theme, but I don’t see that happening.

Honestly, I’m expecting this event to be boring and just awful like all previous non-tested content this expansion. Some examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Azerothian Archives: Terribly boring, repetitive and the WQs buggy
  • Reclamation of Gilneas: Wait 12+ years for 4-5 quests doing the bare minimum, none of which were exciting, and reward being an ugly suit.
  • Red Draenei Skin quests: No issue with the skin being added but the questline was terribly boring and quite disappointing for such an iconic villain group joining the Alliance.
  • Night Elf Heritage: The quests were awful, Maiev was incredibly annoying during it, and they could have done a lot better like resettlement in Hyjal and other Night Elf territories. Instead we got another storyline of Maiev being a truly unlikeable character for her to learn, once again, maybe it’s time for Night Elf society to evolve past their societal gender restraints on what someone can be.

feels like the only people they DO listen to are the youtube streamer sort.
Before SL went live one of the beta players was telling me not to get excited, that they had told blizzard that anima farming and costs and a few other things were going to be hated by a lot of players and they clearly didnt listen to the input at all.

Nothing new.
I was a beta tester years ago for a Morrowind patch.
Same lazy garbage. They wanted yes men to stroke the ego instead of players who could point out where the actual game play problems were.

Seems like they only ‘test’ just to say they did it to try to stifle some of the screams.