No PTR for 10.2.6

This is exactly what I am expecting.

This event will be you farming currency to get mog/pets/mounts.

Part of it will probably be buggy, with either NPCs despawning or currency disappearing.

Positive bonus points if we get another dragon riding mount that is a parrot and it actually has customizations.

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I think it depends more on how the reported problems are ranked. I’ve had a lot more of my reported bugs fixed than not, since they were mostly progress stopping or genuinely game breaking (I’m really, really good at breaking the game). Many of the lesser things I’ve reported don’t get fixed immediately but do eventually, so I’m good with that.


It’s experimental.
It might be bug-chaos.
It might be just broken.
It might not be any fun.
It might be over in an evening.
It might be something far enough outside my comfort zone that I don’t end up participating.

There, expectations calibrated.

So with that all out of the way, I’m looking forward to it.


I’m guessing this is going to become the norm eventually for patches to not come to PTR before release or otherwise be severely limited in what gets tested (the latter is already kind of the norm). Game devs have been trying to crack down on datamining and leaks by limiting public testing as much as possible. It wouldn’t surprise me if they start banning people from the forums for talking about or posting about datamined content and IMO it’s surprising they haven’t started doing this yet since other studios like Zenimax Online Studios started banning discussion of datamined content on their official forums.

I don’t think the Love is in the Air revamp was even tested on PTR at all IIRC. War Within beta is probably going to be more limited in what’s testable as well, which I think they actually did limit testing for Dragonflight by having various zones only testable for short periods of time.

This is a cool thing that they’re doing. Releasing brand new content that hasn’t been datamined or spoiled, that everyone is blind to. It was a massive success in SoD, people loved the feeling of not knowing and having to discover. That’s what they’re trying to recreate here.

There’s probably gonna be tech issues, I’m sure. But it’s refreshing that they’re trying to innovate in some ways and create something exciting.

I’m positive the player base will make them feel bad about it.


I’m all for it, keeps the toxic tubers from stinking up the air before the release.

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I’m curious, the skull and crossbones.

Are they going to do something like the ZG plague event?

I’ll probably enjoy whatever it is. The forum melodrama is just a side course.

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They don’t pay any attention to PTR/beta bug reports anyway, so it won’t make any difference.

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