No Player housing

Which would end up just being something that people are complaining about “being forced” to raid or do keys to obtain.

Nah just provide a less appealing one for LFR/Heroic like they do with different color equipment.

Then there is no reason to complain.

LFR - Normal Claw
Heroic - Claw on a nice placard
Mythic - Glowing Claw on a nice placard

Haven’t we learned that doesn’t make people happy even with tmogs?

Because you guys shot down garrisons.

I mean, garrisons still exist but you guys aren’t hanging out in your garrison. Actions speak louder than words.

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See an that would be nice to have a trophy room with old boss heads or a weapon from them it doesnt have to be complicated either.

I think people are assuming we want this grandiose mansion 6 stories tall(though our hero in game deserves that for all the bs they went thru) hell it could be 1-2 stories tall maybe partially underground basement.
Keep it Skyrim level simple at the start with plans to improve via decorative items an u can earn an tie it into crafting and maybe even on occasion a monthly event.

There are so many easy options to add simple gameplay mechanics an events/holidays you could tie it to.

Not going to make everyone happy. There’s complaints that are fair and then there’s complaints that just aren’t worth entertaining.

I feel the community needs to get back behind the Garrison and ask Blizzard to spruce it up.

The Keep would be the house that you can change up and each plot would have a variety of cosmetic or useful things to utilize.

Garrisons weren’t that bad. Heck I even liked the mission tables and harbor >_>;;;;;

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Ya know sadly its not that player’s didnt back Garrisons, which is normally peoples false talking point. Blizzard abandoned Garrisons because they didnt listen to what we asked for.
We had no control over the Garrisons looks FOR any building. It was just City builder simulator and then given a few mid statues you could place infront of ur very same Garrison Barracks that everyone had.

But because resources are limited, if something is added as a major feature…then by default…something else wont.

I mean. Thats fine and all. I would just suggest more accurate terminology.

But there would be less people in cities. There were less people in cities during WoD because people AFKed in their garrison.

It’s possible that they couldn’t actually provide what people were asking for and not that they didn’t listen.

I’m sorry to tell you that it’s a bad time to be the opposition of this system because Blizzard HAS NOT GIVE US A HOUSING IN ITS MMO FOR MORE THAN 18 YEARS. And that is from the alpha.

When other MMOs SUCCEEDED in giving this system.

So if you live in this MMO, please give us our home in Azeroth.

Because we got so much content in WoD they where busy??
They got no excuse for this expac already using 4 old dungeons for M+
1 raid 4 dungeons no new bgs since bfa?
Nah they have time and the resources and the money. Its the unwillingness to try an using age old excuses they have pushed for nearly 2 decades.

Ok, asking for player housing holds no water too.

See i can do that too.

Ok, so making hrand new code, another slot on the servers, as well as making fullnew art-sets instead of recycling some of them is wasting resources.

Ok! /sarcasm

K. /saitama face

Because the concept and work is already there, just not fully implemented.

What is the name of the game. World of warcraft.

Don’t need to. Compare the features of class halls and garrisons. They are 1 for 1 the same minus customizations and proff buildings.

And yet class halls had the features of garrisons. What is 1 + 1?

I also have the right to tell you what you done is wrong and what you are attempting to do is not have an actual discussion invan attempt to over inflate your ego. I will give you one more try to correct yourself.

They only had one guy work on it. That guy died. If he alone was able to do all that as it is, they could easily done more.

Do you think if player housing is ever implemented that it will have the tie in features of the Garrison?

I don’t see what the difference is. If I’m running a dungeon, I’m not in a city. I’m only in the city to apply for the dungeon.

But Garrison this not the real housing system that Blizzard should give us.

I still use all 13 of my Garrisons.

And you’re an extreme minority

With WoD I would stay in my garrison regardless if I was applying for a dungeon or not. This happened on a massive level, making cities feel empty. People would Garrison Hearth and just afk there. It was all used as fodder for “WoW is dying” threads. “See how empty the city is?!?!”

So the people who are only logged in to run dungeons, and nothing else. They dont even factor into this equation. Because they arent people currently in a city that will no longer be there.

They only had one person working on garrisons? Not saying you’re wrong but I can’t find anything with a basic search that confirms that, where is that info available?

Player housing isn’t profitable enough to put the resources towards it.

If you want housing find a game that does it.

I too would Garrison Hearth and AFK. But it was economic. The garrison had professions and trade chat. They even gave us the means to our own AH. The argument could be made that while it backfired in terms of public perception that the Garrison was basically our cities. Stormshield/Warspear were nice but not grandiose like the ones that came before and after.

If housing is ever a feature they put into the game, I just don’t see Blizzard tethering those features to it. People would still need to visit cities to continue their upkeep.