I’m not arguing that I’m saying it wasnt how it was implemented, saying it could’ve been holds no water.
That’s fine, but I already told you why updating garrison would actually take more resources
So you are now so salty you just lying, kinda funny tbh
Can it? How you know that? Would that be easy? Would take require any kinda of change to old quests? How would that go? Do actually know this things or are you just saying stuff because you were call out on your bad take?
Not one in a AU that we.dont have free access to or even knowledge of everything that happens or a place that has no way to actually change location and even less universes.
Can you please show me where you saw someone confirming garrison was meant to be a feature for every single expect?
Yes it is, that’s my point, garrison was so not meant to bleed into legion, in fact every xpac was meant to have a “house/garrison/hall/convenant” type feature they were at best soft try out to see if that kinda thing would be worth to make permanently which they decided against it apparently.
You have the right to feel attacked, it doesn’t make it an attack, grow up an learn how to handle a things
Class Halls were a step in the right direction.
I wish that going forward (and I have said this before) that Class Halls should come back in major cities (similar to how Dalaran had access to them), you funnel story quests from there for the A plot, you can tailor them to be class focused as well, you can add in class specific side quests similar to how the renown works in Dragonflight, you could even go as far as to introduce glyphs related to the class hall and as a result unlock new effects and transmogs.
This can always carry forward because you use this as a base of operations more most of the expansions when it comes to story.
No budget is broken, it would be separate dev teams working on the 1 raid per major patch an 2 dungeons we may see during that time. Lmao I’m sure their intern can handle it.
Being sarcastic aside idk why people think this would take away dev time from the “real content” DF already has to reuse old assets. I mean look at the current M+ 4? Old dungeons 4 of them meaning 4 reused assets. HALF of them and 1 raid.
Also no new bgs in how long now??
The new Island while good for instantly gear alts and giving PvE busted rings was like 1 days worth of content and over with. Imo a waste an shoulda been released on Launch.
It wouldn’t break the budget. Most of the technology is done, was completed with the garrison. Upgrade your cottage to a mansion with your choice of racial architecture. The fishing pond can become a pool, the fence a hedge. No questgivers at all. No hangers-on asking you to do things. It could be located in your choice of zone, with a portal to the place you wish to return to and a back door to the zone.
I would believe the Dev leader if he wasnt so below average. Everytime he speaks its like a viper with poison spit.
Less development time for 1 raid tier… fine by me we already reuse old dungeons for m+ content why not bring an old raid back. Multi billion dollar company cant find a way to hire 4-5 ppl to have a separate team such a bad excuse.
I think housing would be more accessible to players than M+/Raiding for sure. I just think there’s more pressing matters to resolve first than something that would still be for what would likely be something for level capped players.
The leveling experience is abhorrent and new player acquisition is in the dumps. We’re likely going to be here no matter what. New players on the other hand are having a hard time wanting to stay.
All depends on how it’s done. Garrisons came in quickly and without a major limitation and price tag that FFXIV housing has. And I know people don’t like comparing Garrisons to housing, but it’s as close as you get to it in WoW.
I hope if it’s done it’ll be something that everyone can partake in and relatively quick. If they did it as you say, it would be a major success.
It will never be good enough. It will never, ever be good enough. You will find a reason to get mad about it.
WoW is never going to win players over with their implementation of player housing. It’s not going to be a driver of subscriptions.
You guys need to understand that in WoW, features exist to capture or maintain subscriptions. Player Housing, in the way that you will receive it, isn’t going to do that. It will never be good enough to beat FFXIV house.
If you guys had got behind garrison maybe you would have seen an evolution of the garrison system into something fun, but you guys whined and shot it down and so Blizzard pulled out.
So basically it will be no different from any other feature in the game, including the ones you want changed. More reason to do it.
And what they’ve been doing has been driving an increase in sub numbers? Not hardly. They would be bragging about it if it was, rather than having more promotions than ever.
Why is it you think my character should have to sleep in a filthy stairwell full of trash after a hard day of adventuring?
In general I think it would be, but if I were a betting man I’d put my money on them providing rewards only obtainable through raiding and M+ for the houses to incentivize engagement in the new feature from those crowds and to nudge more casuals toward raiding and M+ at the same time.
I don’t see adding some things of that nature to raiding/M+ to be a problem. No different than the Arena dragon mount or the raid dragon skin. Maybe like a trophy from the final boss like a claw or something to hang on the wall.
FFXIV has something similar. Normal trials yield an item you could craft a basic housing item. If you did extremes, it would drop a different item that made the same item, but had better graphics or visuals to it.