I kind of want a revamp of the old world and the addition of player housing to it
Hire a separate team for player housing?
Hire all those guys with the amazing concepts?
Except house are already in that game, they just add on top. Imagine FF14 without housing for 20 years and suddenly they add it. You still feel like nothing else would be cut to make dev time for housing?
The head dev in ffxiv also is given free reign over everything about that game, even budget and team size. WoW does not have that luxury under activision. They also have housing built from the ground up in ffxiv, and btw, it has the worst housing system i seen in the online gaming world sans ashes of creations concepts of housing.
The one major muck up Blizzard does is waste resources. Outlands, Northrend, Pandaria, Broken Isles, Draenor (though it is collapsing), BfA Zones are all empty time locked regions with no impact on the game anymore. EK/Kalimdor included for the most part.
There’s many ideas in where you can do housing, but that requires Blizzard to reintegrate reasons to be in old zones.
For example, Alliance Expedition sends people to Northrend to claim various land open for the taking. Settlers can claim plots of land across Grizzly Hills and build settlements!
Boom, reason for player housing.
yeah and we all know how that worked out. WoD should have been renamed to
World of Warcraft: A place to afk queue and never leave in a social gaming environment.
Yeap, it was a farmville simulator.
We already basically play an instanced lobby game. So me queueing for m+ in a house vs me queueing for m+ in Valdrakken isn’t all that different.
I would love housing and I support it.
But you’re not wrong here, this is a very good point.
This is only really true if you completely change the definition to what a lobby is.
So not how it was implemented
You can believe whatever you want, all the evidence and facts points against it, like I said its a stationary place in a AU that was mainly focus on WoD war, saying it was meant to bleed into legion when we clearly have a substitute in class halls that was supposed to be even bigger is nonsensical.
I didn’t use bad take as a hyperbole, I listed some of the reasons why bringing back garrison as a main feature doesn’t really make sense and it would be more work than just making a new house system, if you get mad because people call you out you shouldn’t post here
*We’re gonno cut all the content this expansion so you have nothing to do but have a place to afk queue and never leave in a social gaming environment.
I apply in queue to a raid. I apply in queue to m+.
Is the staging area really needed?
you’re not wrong, but honestly even with the stuff they had there was no reason to leave the majority of the time.
That was because they stopped mid-way because the guy in charge of it died.
Ok, i beleive housing is a wasted resource when we already have garrisons that can be updated.
Which was none.
Which can be updated to allow you to choose which zone you want to put it, including new zones.
We are in constant war, so garrisons makes sense in every WoW settings.
It was, it was a passion project that he wanted to be in every expansion moving forward. But during WoD, since it was an unfinished product, ppl hate posted it to the point that blizz had to come up with half measured class halls (it was garrisons minus customization and proffession buildings)
And you know what, class halls which was half of what garrisons was, is considered a success.
It is, no matter how you try to defend it. It is an attack, nothing less or more.
It is wording used to immediately pressure or shut down a person and to try to make their opinion feel as a lesser. It is not verbalige used in good arguements, it is a power move.
I would love that but apparently a lot players are against the idea,. mainly because of cata and their own FOMO because bringing back old zones almost always means taking away some of the old content, which I’m completely fine with tbh
Some people really have a wrong idea of what player housing is or should be. And how good it will do to the game, if done correctly.
Also, stop with “Garrisons is housing” thing. Garrison it’s just a bunch of a pre-set things that you needed to progres thru WoD content at the time. We are talking about making player housing to transpire the player’s (and his character) personality. Its a role-play thing
They should just play classic then. There’s no reason for anyone to hamstring progressing retail WoW’s zones. But I do agree that it’s unfortunate other players are against Cataclysm-esque updates to zones.
No dude.
Because the house can be added to garrisons, which was already intended to be customizable in the first place.
As someone who has participated in numerous aspects of MMO gaming, designing anything around a specific minority is a bad decision.
I think it’s a quick fix if they did it like class halls. Garrisons was just a very poorly implemented feature overall. And it clearly caused pipeline issues that affected the expansion. Shouldn’t have been a main expansion feature. And that’s also the main anti-PH argument I’ll agree on. Blizz likes to push single-expansion features that they spend so much time developing on only to see it rot. Be it MoP farming, garrisons, class halls, torghast. They like to do the “now you must pay $60 to do something that will become obsolete in 2 years!!!”
A lobby room implies its an area 100% of group members automatically filter into, to meet.
In m+/raiding, it is required that people travel to the location. Which is the opposite of a lobby room.
If traveling to the location (even if summons come after) means WoW is a lobby game, then its always been a lobby game. Which is really dishonest when compared to actual lobby games. Its a statement designed to have derogatory meaning typically towards the retail state of WoW. Its dishonest.
I feel the same about M+.