No Player housing

It was originally intended to be able to choose what zone and buildings you wanted it in.

I fully beleive it was supposed to have continued support. Literally the guy that designed it passed away mid way and it would been like honoring him to continue it.

Also really, the opinion of needing player housing can easily be said a bad take also, “bad takes” arguements is always bad and downgrading. Don’t use it unless your intentionally trying to tick off ppl.

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What use or benefit do you think housing would provide? I’ve had plenty of experience with it in FFXIV and, while the housing is nice, there are numerous issues with it.


And whats the problem? People wanna do their own things, not your thing. The fact you doesn’t like housing doesn’t mean it’s bad or other people wouldn’t like it.

And you are a imaginary troll warrior at a imaginary fantasy world doing imaginary things, what’s the deal with a imaginary home?


It takes dev focus away from other possible content they could make.

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We can agree Ion’s focus on Mythic+/Raids damaged the rest of the game as it was their bread and butter for the ESports community.

The same could be said for housing. Whatever it might be, it will only be utilized by a few and not something everyone can or may be able to participate in.

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Don’t worry it won’t happen again. The first time they tried housing in WoD a lot of players didn’t like it.

I might be one of the few who enjoyed Garrisons over FFXIV housing x.x;

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Why would anyone not be able to participate in player housing?

We playing in a imaginary world wearing imaginary gear killing imaginary threats in imaginary dungeons making imaginary money as we sit in imaginary cities talking to people in imaginary guilds but personal housing is just to much cool man.


It depends on how it is designed, but if it’s designed like Garrisons then it’ll simply be a zoned area where everyone can access it.

However, if it’s designed like FFXIV’s housing, it is limited and expensive. Not everyone has access to a house and, at minimum, only can get an apartment with very few features compared to a house.

This being Blizzard, I’d wager they would try to make it similar to FFXIV’s housing which would ultimately pose the same significant problems, or they make it like Garrisons which many people will still complain over in it’s limitations compared to FFXIV’s housing. It’s an absolute no win situation.

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OR, maybe, they could…

And are able to invite people to your house when in a party like Garrisons. But with two story houses, three story, etc. and like 3k to buy a house.
Bam, problem solved.


even with the casual approach of Dragonflight, I cannot see how WoW can factor in housing and make it worthwhile.

As much as I would like housing, it just doesn’t work with the current culture of the community.

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While the idea and that persons work on the housing concept is phenomenal, it still has glaring issues.

For example, they say to ‘claim a house in the world’. Does that mean it’ll be apart of the zone for all to access or is it an instanced area where you can visit, like a dungeon, and enter into an instanced version of your house, like a garrison.

If so, then that might work, but if not, it still poses the problem of what kind of load it’ll place on instanced servers, similarly as it did in FFXIV before they worked it out.

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I’d wager it would be instanced, like Garrisons.

That of course is, if it ever happens.


Yeah, it is pretty much a glaring issue but I’m hoping blizz applies common sense, and makes it an instanced place like a garrison.

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You know what I do when there is a feature I want that isn’t in the particular game I’m playing at that time? It’s a neat trick, they’re going to hate me for giving away this secret.

I hit escape, click exit game, and then load a game that does have that feature. Then I play.

Devs in FFVIX can pump out out new housing items with side quests like artifact weapons and crafting, with dungeons and raids in less patch cycles than WOW. People acts like it only 5 people chained to a desk working on one raid every 4 months than hundreds that doing who knows what that used put out two dungeons and one raid every 8 months with some catch up isle. They can overall make more content as being shown in DF with people even working at home.

All I am saying is there are valid concerns with putting a major undertaking like housing into place when WoW is really hanging by a wire.

They get it right, then that is great. If they get it wrong, it can just be yet another thread ready to break the game. They really need to fix more critical, fundamental things like leveling to retain/acquire players.

Adding something that would most definitely place a major load on their instanced servers when you can barely do mass WPVP is just risky. And that’s just the technical aspects of it.

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