No Player housing

Did we really need a new housing thread but with less substance?

Personally, I want housing… but it has to be something much more than just a personal instanced hub to decorate and store stuff.

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I guess we’ll just curl up on the floor.

Like dogs.

Don’t worry, this game doesn’t have the engine to support housing.

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I found it:



Because the game was created with that in mind.

This isn’t. There’s a huge huge world of difference.

They’ve already admitted to implement something like this would take a massive toll on content released due to complexity.

We didn’t make a rumor up. They flat out said as much

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Because Ion said the price of player housing is one raid tier.

We can have it, but elite raiders don’t want to pay.

I’m not elite. I wouldn’t want it if thats the price


That’s what Ion said. He is our leader.

And that’s fine but i’m saying I don’t want player housing if we have to sacrifice content to get it.

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Cool, thanks but do we really need another Player Housing thread this week? How many is that now?

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FFXIV has not been radically different from WoW since 2.0. It’s the same kind of game, where the primary form of content is PvE raid bosses. It’s not a game where housing is a key game mechanic like Terraria.

Except FFXIV, which has been the Pepsi to WoW’s Coke since 2.0, busted this myth. Player housing doesn’t actually cost raid tiers.

just gonna over look garrisons, and how terrible it was to have them huh?

garrison were a thing, and it sucked. only helpful thing that it did was that it gold capped the majority of the player base causing massive inflation, only with providing dead content after the xpack.

It might now because they keep firing everyone.
Also, this just proves Ion of way too focused on Mythic and Raiding so the side stuff he doesn’t care about.

There never gonna do “player housing” again, no clue why people are even asking at all. Garrisons / WoD nearly killed the game to the point of having to introduce the token system. Literally subs fell from WOTLK levels down to below Vanilla numbers in just a few months, It was so bad they stopped publicly reporting sub numbers during the Shareholder calls.

This ‘my way or the highway’ attitude people have with video games does nothing but hurt the communities that build up around them. It needs to stop.


I love t-mog and pet battles. They are positive additions to the game ppl do not need to do.

Mythic plus is the opposite to that if you want to do end game pve…

When we already have garrisons waiting to be updated and a house we could decorate could easily be added to it, it is.

So I’m guessing you think mog should be removed from the game right? When wow add it other games were already doing it and doing it better, why keep providing support for something that a older game didn’t had? Right?,

I loved garrison but your take is a bad one, you are taking into account garrison wasn’t made with continues support, the whole storyline and features are bounded by WOD, another problem is the fact it’s in the AU that has it’s own storyline and would make no sense to go back and not tackle it, this + all the problems related to bring it to current storyline+ explain the AU aspect + not taking away it’s feature from back in WOD because a lot achievement and stuff are locked there it would be more work to do all that than just making a new house system in the current timeline/world

I want housing because it appeals to my slower, more causal play style. If you don’t like it that’s fine, I feel the same way about mythic+ (but I don’t think it should be removed).
