No Player housing

You’re trying to walk me into an argument that’s sole purpose is me trying to prove to you that it’s worthwhile when you’ve already come to your own conclusions. So instead of playing that game I’ll ask a question.

Are pet battles worth Dev time?


Ok, let’s say for the moment that is true.

The amount of role players in this game is a fraction of a percent of the overall player base. RPs in this game are such a minority that people make fun of them as a standard.

What you are really asking for is a huge amount of resources dedicated to a small small SMALL group of RPers and man-babies that want to play dollhouse, while the vast majority of the player base couldn’t care less about player housing as it adds absolutely 0 to the game.

Stuff like that actually is great in my opinion. I would rather get rare furnishings I could show off than just more armour I am gonna replace anyway.

Furninshing items and cosmetics are one of the reasons you see so many people trying to run old content in games like FF14 and ESO. They are trying to get all the stuffs. WoW’s almost Diablo like mentality of only gear that is a power upgrade matters is tiring, and awful if you are not someone who cares for gear as a reward. :frowning:

Ideally the game would offer both. More just fun cosmetic drops for those that want them, and I would love if that would include housing items, and just straight gear for those that like that too. Alas, that is not the type of game WoW is. :frowning:

Oh man i was looking forward to cutting some virtual grass

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If you want something added you need to justify the dev time especially when there isn’t much of a return for said investment.

Personally no but pet battles didn’t require the entire overhaul that housing would need.

No you don’t. Again, Pet battles were added in the game and are constantly being updated with patch notes.

False. Look around. The assets are already made. The only notable part would be getting things started and after that, it’s just minor updates. Nowhere near an “overhaul”

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:smiling_imp: Who needs houses, I just walk into NPC houses and sleep. They just stand around and talk. Even use their bathrooms. They still stand around and talk. Use their kitchen… you guessed it. They just stand around and talk. :metal: :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Updated not installed

Its not false just because you say it is LOL.

Theres a reason they said it would “cost a raid tier” and considering that the people t hat want it are a minority its a BAD INVESTMENT.

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Yeah. It was installed. So all they have to do now is update.

You know. It’s almost like there’s a time where they can put time together “installing” this housing thing and could just update it from time to time like pet battles. You’re right though. The Garrison in WoD was added midway and not at the beginning.

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You’re still not comprehending that the initial cost of dev time to implement housing isn’t worth the return or more like lack of return because most people aren’t interested in housing.

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Yeah to me none of that matters. They’ve added content in the game that most players didn’t have an outcry for. Again pet battling. So to me that point is moot

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Oh hey it’s the guy that told me not to make generalizations, but is making assumptions about how many people want this feature. Weird innit.
Considering it’s been brought up for numerous years, including by blizzard itself, i’d say it’s a pretty big majority.
Take it or leave it, I don’t care.

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It was brought up and said it wasn’t happening because it’s not worth the investment. Hard concept is hard that means it’s not the majority.

Is that because you can’t refute the point?

Just because it doesn’t matter to you doesn’t mean it’s not a major factor.

No I’m refutting it just fine. You even said yourself Pet Battles are not worth Dev Time. Yet they implemented it and keep it up to date with every major patch drop. And color me shocked, it has yet to cost a raid tier. Crazy right? Again, pet battling alone negates your entire point

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Alright bud fine, it’s a small minority of people.
That’s definitely why almost every popular mmo, except wow, has it.
And whatever dev said that it wasn’t profitable, with the population of wow and how well it could be monetized, is absolutely brain dead.
They could easily add ridiculous prices to furniture and people would gladly pay it. Hell, people pay for 30$ faction changes. Do you think they wouldn’t buy a 10$ lamp?

The entire point is that people want it, it’d be a minor feature that people would enjoy that has no baring on end game other then interacting with other people beyond groups and raids. Tell me how it’s bad to enable players to interact with eachother in homes, i’d love to hear it.

If your hill to die on is that it’s a minority, and that’s it, then your argument is null and I don’t know why you’re replying to me.

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The fact that player housing would cost WoW an entire raid tier tells me that the WoW dev team has be so financially poor, that I’m pretty sure someone over there is forced to play 4D chess with it when planning out the spending in order to not go over.

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Yes, I would.

Yes, I’d agree. But no on the making furniture but having it where your house comes with preset furniture where you have a few options.

You’re trying to compare a system that was independent and not needing an instance server to player housing that will need instance servers.

You’re so out of touch you don’t even realize your point doesn’t negate points.

Those MMOs that can’t beat WoW? Great argument. Feel free to go play those games if it’s that important to you.

If the minority of people want it then it’s not as important as you think it is.

You still can’t comprehend that if a minority of people want it then it’s not worth the investment.

You clearly can’t comprehend my argument.