No Player housing

It hasn’t been done YET.

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Because the costs to implement it arent worth the gain for the little people what want it.

Do you even know how businesses work?

You have no proof how many people want it.

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Neither do you rofl.

If you want player housing then go play a game that has player housing.

You heard it here folks. Never suggest anything for the game


I never said I had any proof… you’re the one claiming only a small number of people want it.

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Considering it has been adressed by the dev team and they have said its not happening thats the next best option.

You dont see me playing Fifa and being mad it doesnt have baseball in it too.

So prove me wrong. because its clear the number that want it are smaller than the investment to do it.


Let people enjoy things without calling it dumb.


I mean if they didn’t do mission tables harrisons wouldn’t even be half bad really; also i did find a video of it relating player housing i will put below.

So I wanted to get to you about what I said about that dev. I found all my sources and searches cane empty.

Either i was wrong or blizzard deleted all material related to it. In which case i apologize for my earlier statement of mentioning the dev, as it may not have been an accurate one.

I did how ever found out there was an interview talking about garrisons being “WoW’s version of player housing” but it seems to had been deleted from the WoW twitch account.

I found it on youtube though!

I don’t need to prove anything… you’re the one making the claim so the burden of proof is on you.

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I mean they also told PvPers that vendors weren’t happening and told players flying wasn’t coming in WoD. Hell they told players Classic WoW wasn’t going to happen and they caved. That’s not a good argument


Take Elder Scrolls Online housing as a Example.

There is a bunch of pre-made houses scattered around the world that you can buy. Once you buy, the home becomes an instancied area that you can do whatever you want with it, like decorating and stuff.

You decorate your home buying stuff from vendors, from other players your crafting the furniture by yourself. The recipes to craft the furniture you learn normally from buying it from vendors or droping it around the world.

Now you ask me, are the world itself, the main citys and stuff, empty because players are busy inside their homes? No. Cities and dungeons are crowded.

What i mean saying all this, ESO’s housing is just a feature. It doesn’t have to take over the game. Same would happen with WoW.

Just relax. If they ever implement the Housing system here, it won’t delete all future raid/dungeons or other new contents. Sure, some big patch and resources would be needed, but it won’t turn the game a housing simulator.

It’s like the Pet Battle system. It is just there. There is a bunch of pets around that you can battle with and/or capture for yourself. Is WoW a Pokémon simulator because of this? It isn’t. So Relax a bit lol, it won’t hurt your raiding/dungeon.


So, you’re enjoying dreaming? because housing isn’t even in the game so how you enjoying it?

People are enjoying the concepts, the models, and the recommendations.


The same way you say housing in the game would be dumb or it would turn WoW into “weird game that nobody wants to log in” without even knowing how it would work

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Actually I made the claim that the costs of player housing isnt worth the gains it would bring meaning its not profitable.

The fact that it hasnt happened implies the numebr of players wanting housing are a minority.

PVP originally had vendors.

You havent even addressed my argument lol.

You cherry picked mine. Which the point was, just because they said they wouldn’t do it doesn’t mean that’s the end all be all. And that there’s nothing wrong with players pushing for it even if the Devs don’t want to do it. Those examples provided are times the Devs didn’t want to do something the players wanted but were pushed to.

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Honestly, they could just bring back garrisons, update them to the advertised features (choosing zones/buildings and what not) bring them to new content too, and then add an new building for the player house.

Imagine also, having a garrison in one of the ocean zones, we could have a sea faring base with pirate folk walking around.

That doesn’t prove anything…

I didnt cherry pick anything. You still havent justified the cost for the dev time.