No physical edition of Shadowlands for Aus?

Hi All,

I not long received a call from EB games, (the main game store for my little state) telling me that my pre-order for the Shadowlands collectors edition has been cancelled because Australia wont be getting any physical copies of the game.

Some one please tell me this isn’t correct, I have been getting the physical collectors editions for 13 years, I have all of them. Will this really be the one I can’t get??
Any clarification would be gratefully received.


They haven’t even announced the physical collector’s edition for Shadowlands, so I’m not even sure what you ordered.


It’s an order that has money on it that sits in their system until the collectors is announced and they then turn it into a pre-order of the collectors with that money on it.


I wouldn’t bank on seeing a physical edition anytime soon.


Just wait until the Blizzard shop has it and than see if you can get it shipped here. Because unless Blizzard have it, no one does and right now I cannot find the ‘collectors’, just the epic version that has all the usual pets and mounts, but no physical copy.

They might not be capable of making physical copies of these right now for anyone. Lots of places still aren’t operating in the US.

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Well i guess will finally be forced to get off the collectors train.

So you just want some box art with a printed CD key in it? That’s what you’ll get. Sometimes the factory workers steal the keys out of the boxes. I bought TBC in 2007 and had to exchange it because it came with no CD key.

I also got a phone call from EB.

“EB recieved an email today that physical copies of the Collectors edition”.

It is in the EB Games system for pre-order. The store I purchase from and place the pre-order was for the “Collector’s edition” and they take a holding deposit of $50 AUD. I was asked if I wanted to move this to another pre-order or refund. Now this might mean they are review the system and the next version will be “Epic” in physical copy or just sent to North America.

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Ah, I wonder if that is slowed down due to the mess.

I never really think about that, since it is 2020 so I’ve not owned a physical box of Wow since… I think Wrath??? As soon as you could just digital download, I started doing that.

I really hope we can get it here in Aus. My ex wouldn’t let me buy the boxed CE of Vanilla or Bc, but I’ve bought them for every expansion since. They are always gorgeous.

I certainly understand there’s a pandemic, however, and the health of the workers is paramount.

Clearly your ex didn’t have his priorities straight. I assume that’s why he’s now your ex. :smiley:

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Possibly. :no_mouth: Everything adds up!

He didn’t like WoW at all!

This may be a good question to ask in the customer service forum as blues only post in fluff threads.

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Just had the same phone call … very disappointed in Blizzard … as with others here, we have all the CEs since vanilla … wtf Blizzard

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I also received the phone call this morning :frowning:


Smells like miscommunication, no reason to not ship to Australia if the CEs actually get made, who knows if they will be able to get CEs made up in time with everything going on. (They have to be in manufacturing months before hand, you can’t just cook them up over night)

I received the call also - all collectors ed until now T_T

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With your phone calls did they say the the CE’s will not be available in Aus or is it all CE’s world wide that will not be produced?

I think they have one for Sylvanas and probably more to come.

Likely after June 9’s Dev live talk