No pets for marksman hunters!

New MM is on the PTR now and as I suspected, the bird is basically just a spectral spell effect. It shows up for certain things (Lust, Master’s Call) for like half a second and flies away again, leaving me blissfully pet-free.

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Blizzard has caved into the whining of Raid/M+ players who find pets to be a liability for big competitive group instances. A pet is just another thing that can draw aggro. So, instead of just running a mage, which is what hunters without pets will become, they want a spec only any good if you have a tank and a healer.

I understand why they cater to these people. They are the “cheap date”, so to speak, who can be satisfied with a tiny bit of content they do over and over for months. Much less development cost than it is for people who run delves, where they need to keep making new stuff to keep us interested.

I just don’t see why they have to take something AWAY from the other players to give it to the Raid/M+ players. Just add a new spec without a pet, or buff Lone Wolf until the whining stops? It is a solution in search of a problem.

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What a horrible idea. How to dox yourself 101.
And if blizz doesn’t like polls on the forums, how do you think they’ll look at something like this?

Yea… out of all their takes. This was probably one of the worst. Random site petition with 50 signatures… And ALL names are visible.

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It’s a streamlined approach that focuses the spec rather than having to maintain a split paradigm that is neither as good as bm with a pet nor let’s the spec shine as rdps. I do no mythic content and am very in favor of the change.


I really don’t get why they’re making the changes they are overall but I definitely don’t get why I have to lose my pet I’ve had for a decade only for it to be replaced by an eagle I do not want or use…

Intimidation already has a feature where if you don’t have the pet out it summons it to do the ability and then leave. Why give me an eagle when you can just use my own pet?

Like I’m willing to play with the changes and try it but I’m not going to bother if they’re taking away my pet. Its a Hunter, they use pets. If they want a sniper add it to Warrior or Rogue where it belongs. Warrior and Rogue can still use guns and bows and xbows but just don’t.

While they’re doing all this bull can they at least let Survival go dual wield again?


mm IS plenty good GOOD now. It plays different to a BM hunter. Which is what you want. These changes sure sound like they are moving it toward playing more like a mage. Why not just dispose of arcane mage spec and replace it with a spec that can use mail armor? Then you kind of have the same thing. Just different special effects.

If by “streamline” you mean, make it easier to develop content for (because it will play much closer to something we already have) then sure. It will streamline. :roll_eyes:

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I dig it. Marksman should be from ranged and deal their own damage. I know that pets are tradition amongst hunters, but in this case, I think that the change fits.


You mean like it is since the beginning of the game 20 years ago?


MM has major issues in its gameplay which is why these changes are happening.

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Nope. I play an MM hunter. It is awesome as is. This is NOT needed. If there is some hole, some unfulfilled need, just make up a fourth spec, like Druids have, and make THAT a pet-less hunter. This is a solution in search of a problem.


You can say nope all you want but you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

Clearly not very well

It is needed and has been asked for since legion.

This shows you have a clear lack of basic knowledge of the spec and the issues it has.

Nope. It’s a solution to fix two major issues.

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OK, I’m an idiot. Please inform me oh might sage of all hunters. What ARE these two issues, which I fail to see? Or, are you just making it up?

No argument here.

Not like I have already stated it multiple times but I’ll repeat it just for you.

1: MM is penalized for using any of its utility.

2: balancing issues by trying to make lone wolf and pet MM comparable.

There’s a reason why the hunters in the discord that play MM are excited for these changes.

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So, TWO issues. And I’m guessing they can be summed up by “they are afraid they won’t get invited to play the game because they won’t add as much DPS”.

Both of which could be solved without these changes. By just adding a fourth spec that appeases the whiners in “the discord”.

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Why add a 4th spec just to balance pet functionality?

Two major issues

My man you are completely clueless.

No. You are completely clueless on what I even said and even basic spec knowledge.

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Why remove the pet option just to balance pet functionality?

By baking its abilities to the hunter instead of the pet and keeping the bonus damage, it would fix the issues

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Those people who don’t mind being “unbalanced” or being “penalized for using their functionality” can play the old one. Those people who do mind, play this new one, without a pet.

There are already 2 specs where the pet exists for more than just utility.

It would, but then why keep the pet just to keep it because you want it?
It would serve no purpose.

That’s not a good reason to make a 4th spec. That’s where the comments of “just go play bm/surv” come in. Because just wanting to separate out the pet to keep it isn’t a good solution whatsoever.

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there are 3, until 11.1.

And again, if you bake utility on the hunter = issue fixed

Yes and no.

It is because people want and because having a side tank and a minion to command is useful in different forms of content, you know that, don’t lie saying it have no purpose