No pets for marksman hunters!

Nah, Syg is just super triggered because he always takes an L in our debates.

Thats why he keeps repeating the same thing over and over.

Jeansola, while we may not agree I appreciate the civility. Have a good night!

I am always one for civility even if I may disagree with someone. Like I said, at the end of the day we have our disagreements, we’ll see what blizzard does once it goes live and the masses actually get their hands on it.

My only claim has been that MM has been a Pet Free spec since Legion by design. They have always had the option to summon a pet but its never been the specs main design.

The two main issues this has lead to is

Issue 1

  • Utility. In order for MM to use any of its pet utility in group content it requires this terrible loop of summoning the pet, using the utility (lust/freedom/Roar) then dismissing the pet. spending your first 4 seconds of lust dismissing a pet isnt fun. This loop has been complained about for a long time. This puts MM in a bad position on fights where that utility is needed (Mythic Tindral for freedom and Mythic Queen for roots)

Issue 2

  • Damage. There is a big damage disparity between LW and Pet. while its not as bad in ST (about 4%) its massive in AOE as the pet can only attack one target versus MM using its entire kit having 5% bonus damage per target. I simmed lone wolf versus pet in a hectic add cleave and the difference was about 100k and im not even geared for MM

This causes a massive balancing issue as well. Blizzard cant let there be two versions of MM where the damage is so far off from each other which then affects MMs viability in higher end content

Cool story, but I already stopped following this thread. You don’t have to @me. Feel free to just reread any of my posts if you want my opinion.

I was just explaining to you, you take what you want

Thats true, but only one of us actually admit that, Snozy is a elitist jerk and think he knows better and more about anything related to the class, just because his guild carried him.

Staaaaph. GDI, I never had to mute a thread before, but I am ocd about notifications.

An ability for group content like raids. Not a viable play style


That seems to just be demonstrably false lmao. Saying this without any raid progress is very amusing.

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Careful, you might cause him to trigger a strawman :joy:



Hes just mad and wants to try and discredit me any way possible since he cant refute me.

Hes also trying and failing to make me mad lol

I didnt even look but thats hilarious

the triggering!

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Are you his carrier or something, to get mad on his behalf? xd

I did one wing of lfr, so get rekt

Nah mate, just pointing out your attacks on other’s don’t even make any sense lol.

Yea uhh that doesn’t really help your case man.

Yeah, it is to make fun of him, he get mad cause his massive ego and is funny to see elitist jerk get all angry over something that doesn’t matter.

I mean, it does refute your point, but its not like i rly care, i have no time or desire to raid this exp

idk just seems like blatant coc violations for no reason other than u don’t like the guy. not very cool or nice.

The 3 guild changes say ‘yes’, in regards to the carries.

It is funny for you to try to chime in when you had to go off server for your own…

Likewise, much like Snoz who does it all the time.

Curious turn of phrase for your own


Rofl excuse me? Why would I not take advantage of the ability to join a guild off server on a server where there are roughly only 3-7 guilds that are going for CE?

Idk I think as soon as you start dividing people into groups you’ve lost the plot.

You already did, if you read your posts and your targetted replies. Getting real “both sides” vibe which always leans a particular way for some reason… Wonder why that is.

Nah I didn’t sorry to say.

Ain’t no way you’re trying to get political in a thread about changes to hunter NAHHH :skull:

This is how most of them are being about the improvements to Marksmanship and it’s super cringe.

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Again, you already did it.

So you can try to say stuff like that but we all know people like you and them need those guilds to carry ya, it’s usually why certain people don’t do well in content they can’t be carried in - and you all basically revel in telling others to ‘get good’ and the like or put down their playstyle.

“not very cool or nice” of you, would be nice if you could not do the whole spiel ever again.

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