This pretty much. Reality is specs change all the time, you either adapt to those changes or you play something else if you don’t like it. This isn’t even the biggest thing blizzard has done to hunter, far from it considering surv became a polearm spec in Legion iirc.
Civil conversations are like that, you dont be a jerk just because you “dont want sugarcoat” things, it looks like you are trying to be an edgy teenager, not the adult you claim to be.
Again, appeal to authority, that alone matters nothing.
And again, you can have all the changes and keep the pet as suboptimal option, where is your “basic understanding” that cant see that?
Too bad, play another thing if its holding back, put your own words to use.
This thread really is a great example that the mods don’t pay much attention, insults flying left right and center, lmao. Makes great entertainment while I’m doing all my exterminator classes though, good lord is that some dull work.
I can have civil conversations just fine when people are civil to me. When people start throwing insults I don’t hold back.
Not really. It’s clearly expected that someone who plays at aCE level is going to have more class understanding than someone who only plays solo content. There are exceptions but not normally.
Because it’s pretty clear that it’s not possible hence why the devs are removing it.
I did. I swapped to SV when I was the person using lust.
Still doesn’t change that I have a preference for MM. however the summon per lust dismiss pet wasn’t fun.
No you said yourself you don’t “sugarcoat” stuff, that happens when people dont insult or anything
You will have more understanding in your own field of play, therefore, that is the gamemode you can talk crap about, the rest no. You cant think you can speak for the whole community because of it, or expect that the game bends to the smaller community that does this mode
And that’s circular logic fallacy, your “proof” that X isn’t possible, is because they are doing “Y” instead. No, you have to give a decent reason why isnt possible, just because Blizzard did different doesnt mean is not possible, just means they chose one of the options.
Not surprised when you dont have anything else to say you would use fallacies
Problem solved then.
It wasnt a question, are you that mad you read wrong while quickly responding?
Lone wolf also is a choice mode, the only difference is that is tuned better, i know that.
The suggestion is baking the pet abilities into lone wolf, like grimoire of sacrifice and mantain the DPS increase, so people can shut up about not wanting the pet, and those who want, can still use it.
Do you understand im being sarcastic, saying that, because people are telling us to play BM, right?
There’s a difference between sugarcoating things and telling someone they are clueless that they know what they are talking about and being civil. I’m still civil till
Someone throws insults which is generally after they lose the argument.
You would have to be delusional if you think a CE level player has a lack of knowledge on a class in solo play which is literally the easiest content in the game.
Oooo, that’s actually not a bad idea at all. So it’ll do everything as the change will do but people will still see their fave pet. Purely cosmetic. Not a bad idea at all. Though I’m sure it’ll be a nightmare to code.
I guess you are too high on your farts to understand what civil conversation means.
Taking account what you say yeah, you lack knowledge in several fields, but i don’t blame you, when thing go to peoples head they often get blinded in hindsight
If you are not playing there is no issue for you. And you didn’t address your fallacies that i pointed about they not being able to do something or the other fixes that would literally, solve the problem, but i dont expect you to.
Did you got so itch that you had to make the double post? ykes
Hunters utilize pets, it’s deeply-rooted in to the gameplay for Hunters for 20 years, since the beginning. Where did this dumb idea even come from to think it would be a good idea to remove that now?
The “astroturf” trying to gaslight Hunters who roll Marksman, claiming “the spec is wrong and needs to be fixed, it’s a good idea, that’s actually what Blizzard envisioned all this time uhh…” sounds like they’re people who don’t even play the class/spec to begin with.
Seriously, who would play that spec for years…if they didn’t like it to begin with?
“Darn it! I have to play Marksman Hunter! REEEE!”
Or, better example, who really believes an actual Hunter would roll Marksman and go “Darn it, I HAVE to summon the pet! I hate it!” - instead of just simply opting not to summon it and/or putting a talent into Lone Wolf.
If they want some kind of class that uses ranged weapons and has no pet…then just create a new class that uses ranged weapons and has no pet. Everyone wins. Plus, as a “new class” it will serve as a selling point for any update, expansion, etc. it would be grouped with for release; as something new, it would create interest. Drastically changing an existing class/spec that has been around forever, would upset players and thus have the opposite effect (i.e. drop in players, complaints, negative feedback, decrease in subs…).
More importantly, drastically mutilating the spec sends a message to the rest of the player base. “See what we did here. Maybe your class/spec is next…”. It would create tension and unease, making it difficult for players to invest into a class/spec they enjoy knowing at anytime, it might be totally ruined/remade into something other than what they already love. As the old saying goes “If it’s not broken, don’t ‘fix’ it.”