No pets for marksman hunters!

You’re not alone.
Blizz needs to reassess this.
Seems to me they created a situation for mm hunters by gimping us if we have our pets out then we have those who say, ‘everyone uses lone wolf’. The reality is blizz gave us little choice in instances content if we wanted to do more damage.
So fix it blizz and not to suit only hunters who play high end content.


I think they should introduce cosmetic pets.

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I mean…that’s kind of what their doing. You just don’t like the fix.

Personally I am indifferent to the change as I don’t play MM, but removing the pet seems to be what’s needed to fix a lot of issues with the spec.

I think a good compromise would be to have a slot in the stablemaster where you can set one of your tamed pets to replace the eagle cosmetically. Then your pet still shows up like you all want but they can now balance the spec entirely around a lone wolf play style.

Just my 2 copper on this.


Those changes are amazing and were much needed for years. Thank God, Blizzard finally realized that it was impossible to balance pet and petless play, and went for the best and more unique option.

That said, I hope they find a way for MM to have pet for cosmetic and tanking purposes just so people can have those options. However, if that happens, don’t expect any attempt at balancing the styles. Pulling pet out, if possible, will likely be just for solo play and not meant to be competitive.


Lone Wolf should be a fun option not meta.

Because if it become meta it attracts toxic players.

That is my life lesson for today.


:surfing_man: :surfing_man:


Read the thread before you post the exact same argument that got shot out of the sky

Well, when the response is factual. You would expect to hear it a few times. Plus I added that it’s not a requirement. So there’s that.

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False. Marksman uses pets as an option. Including in dungeons and raids when needed.

Fact: pets have been part of MM since Vanilla and an option since Legion.

People are being disingenuous as usual. I don’t play my Warlock anymore because they deleted my permanent Infernal and then my Observer.

Citation needed for people asking pets to be removed from MM as an option.


Not true at all even in the slightest. It’s a massive dps loss.

You’re incorrectly assuming that’s what people were asking for. People have been asking for utility to not require having a permit for years.

Why would any MM Hunter not use their pet? They lose some amount of offense and defense but what do they gain?


Yeah, and they’ll still have them, just not for one spec

The only fact that matters is that blizzard decides how each class and spec should play and feel and what their vision is for the fantasy aspect.

And for MM they feel like it should play without pets. Some people agree with the perspective and some don’t. If you do, you will like the change. Personally, I’m intrigued by it. If you don’t agree with their vision for the spec, you will either adapt or change.

I did not and do not agree with their vision for survival for example, but that didn’t change the reality of what they wanted it to be and what it is.

I’d say to try and keep an open mind and give it a chance. You never know, you might like it more.

Also: there is already a 2k+ thread on this topic. There doesn’t need to be another one.

Go play beast mastery if you want a pet

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i want perma pet for my frost dk

And yet, theres still a reason hunter should be petless.

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It’s a dps loss in st by about 4% and a massive dps loss in aoe.

Is this a real question?

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It’s absolutely true. I have friends who raid Mythic and do high keys. DPS loss is negligible compared to what the group needs.

I’m not assuming. You said:

In response to someone unhappy with losing options.

Do y’all just ignore that people are just asking for the OPTION to still keep a pet?


Keep pushing whatever stupid narrative you’re trying to push. When you’re completely ignoring the points of these threads.


I never have my pet out on my MM alt.


Let’s ignore the fact Beat Mastery uses two pets :rofl: if pets are that important to you too BM

Odds are you just want to complain about something and get attention so I will just ignore responses on this thread