No pets for marksman hunters!

I feel like the hunter is the “core” part of the hunter class.

Not every make uses the same element. Not every warrior uses the same weapon type, IE 2h vs sword and shield vs 2x 1 handers.

Face it, the pet isn’t part of mm core gameplay.

No. But you seem to be one of the loudest ones in all these posts. Which is why I singled out the “YOU” part.
And a huge chunk do not use the forums.

  1. Pocket tanking (basically the only thing outside of main utility that the pet brings)
  2. expedience questing (so pocket tanking)
  3. better control in PVP (aka holding someone in combat so they can’t drink)
  4. player enjoyment due to pet hunting and playstyle that fit then (user choice - which you can play surv/bm if you want a pet if that’s what is important to you)

That’s not a lot. A pocket tank, annoyance in pvp and personal choice.
And you are twisting my words. It does not bring anything combat related to the spec other than pocket tanking.

Literally been saying that for weeks and you continue to twist my meaning rofl.

Personal choice is not a good reason when 2 other specs exist.
Purely keeping someone in combat because white hits is not a good reason.
Pocket tanking is the only good reason, so yea. One thing.

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