No patience = no tanks

That’s fair

You didn’t have issues with positioning the beam for split adds on the second boss?

I try not to look up guides and go in blind as the puzzle solving is the only fun part of raiding for me but this was something that caused us to wipe at least 8 times before we figured out how to properly position it for the different add locations for the best uptime.

Portal boss locations can kind of suck but everyone has to deal with that.

Silken court the caster boss hits like a truck during the intermission. As a bear that boss can eat ALL of my defensives just during her phase. In normal we ended up having the BDK just tank her permanently and I just tanked the big guy as even at max stacks he never took me below 75% health. I don’t think thats going to work in heroic though.

Queen as a tank was pretty easy all of my deaths there have been to overlaps with the pulls and beams.

It’d be 8/8 champion. I think heroic gets to 626 but yeah crest cap is a pickle

You made some great points. Best to just ignore the troll. They lost their argument a while back and are now resorting to petty behavior.

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I appreciate the comment. Tanking is a very solitary role, many have done it, few have done it well. I do get everyone’s point, conceptually tanking is easy, but the devil is always in the details, and that is where tanking is extremely difficult.


Tanking pre m+ was playing a dps that can stand in fire and live.

It’s the easiest thing to do in the game. People just don’t do it because it puts them in the spotlight for abuse.

Which means the role isn’t easy? For such an easy role, you shouldn’t be afraid of abuse, too easy to not fail :man_shrugging:


Easiest role gameplay wise.

Tanking goes beyond just AOE, Interupts, and Defensives. Everyone expects the tank to have the knowledge to cover their weaknesses. Meaning the tank should know when to pick up someone elses slack for a mechanic. The tank should know the routes. The tank should know the when, where, and how of each piece of content.

I MT all aspects of WoW until WOTLK. Then I played a Resto Shaman for a few years. When I finally went DPS classes the relief of responsibility outweighed the additional mechanics you have to perform. The mechanics DPS have to actually perform are rare compared to the responsibility the other two roles must perform.

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Then why aren’t you doing it and rolling in free loot? You can gear your dps by tanking and setting up the loot spec.

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This is my forum toon. I have a Brew tank and a Prot Warr tank.

Then go get them?

Man you don’t just ask forum people for the toons they play. That’s personal.

Tanks on strike!

No tanks for no patience! No tank for no patience!

Let us pull, end this bull!

Truth is they don’t like the idea of tanks and someone in charge of the group over them. They think the whole trinity thing more than likely is dumb and pointless and just want to zerg through to get to the carrot at the end. There was a game that tried to do this it’s called Guild Wars 2, and it eventually caved and added back in some tanks and healers right?

This is a team game not a YOU game. TEAM! Don’t like don’t play it or at least engage with team oriented content.


Because you don’t have one. :rofl:

Are you upset by my comment about tanking that you feel the need to tell me my own characters and experiences don’t exist? Get real.

Tanking is the easiest role. Tanks have some of the simplest rotations compared to most classes and specs, especially Prot Warr. Brew was a bit harder to learn, but now it’s muscle memory. Played right, Brew feels invincible. For years, tanks have been nigh-unkillable – and thankfully, that is changing. The game stopped being balanced around the core identity of tanks in favor of tanks spamming the same few abilities and and mass-pulling. That’s not tanking. That’s just being an unkillable DPS.

Having to read a guide on the encounters doesn’t make tanking any harder than other classes, because frankly everyone should be reading those guides. And anyone who does higher end content reads those guides.

Hitting a rotation isn’t hard. Secondly, moving the goal posts to tanks being invincible? When were we talking about that? Third, if you had a tank, you’d post on it, but you don’t.

I am confused with this statement. Most DPS only have to worry about a 5 button rotation. Most can be macro’d. Tanks have a similar rotation and must perform mechanics and move mob/bosses to optimal locations. Tanks interrupt just as much as DPS.

DPS get away with messing up way more than Tanks or Healers. DPS have two others who can help with their duties in dungeons. DPS can easily be carried compared to the other two roles. So imo DPS is the easiest role to play effectively.


Tanking is do the minimum acceptable job then nothing else really matters whereas DPS improvement leads to noticeable gains.

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